Love In The Middle Of A Firefight

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It's early in the morning, and the sun has just barely risen. All is quiet in the 4*Town house, couples tucked safely into each other's arms as they sleep off last night's excitement.

The first to wake is Tae Young, his eyes fluttering open as he turns to face a sleeping Robaire. Tae smiles, admiring him for a moment before sitting up. He looks at the clock on his nightstand. 6:30am. Tae carefully frees himself from Robaire's grasp, standing and stretching. He draws the curtains, letting orange light stream in through the window.

At this, Robaire slowly wakes, tiredly rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning!"

Tae greets happily, already walking over to his closet to find today's outfit. Robaire yawns a quick 'morning' back, sitting up. How Tae is already so cheery at this hour, he'll never know.

In Z's room, he and T are still sound asleep. Blackout curtains prevent any light from entering the room, leaving the two of them in nearly pitch black.

Then, Z's phone rings from somewhere at the foot of his bed. It takes a few rings, but soon, both of them are awake and searching for the source of the noise.

Once Z untangles the covers hiding his phone, he answers it groggily.


"Good morning, Z. How are you?"

It's Raya. Z sighs.

"I'm good. Tired as hell, though."

He says.

"What, didn't get enough sleep last night?"

"Nowhere near it."

Suddenly, T cuts in.

"Is that Raya?"


"Tell her I said hi."

"T says hi."

Z says. T scoots closer and leans his head on Z's shoulder. Z smiles, putting his arm around him and running a hand through T's hair as Raya continues.

"Hi, T. Anyway, You guys have your first interview in two hours. After that, you have one at two and one at six. And once you're done with that, one photoshoot before you're on the plane to New York."

As Raya's talking, T kisses the side of Z's neck. Z sighs.

"I forgot about that last part. How long are we staying?"

"Three days."

Z sits up, gently moving T off of him.


"One more thing, Jesse's gonna skip the first interview. He'll meet you guys at the second."

"Huh. Why's that?"

"He wanted to spend the morning with his family."

Z hums, getting out of bed and stretching.

"Got it."

"So, that's it for now. See you guys later!"

"See you."

After Z hangs up, he tosses his phone onto the bed again. T, who'd fallen back asleep, opens his eyes.

"When do we have to leave?"

He asks.

"Pretty soon. First interview starts in two hours, and we all have to get ready, and the ride there's gonna take some time. So I think we should start now."

T groans, pulling the blanket over his head. Z chuckles and goes over to him.


"I'm asleep."

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