Reprisal 2

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Robaire and Tae Young are sitting next to each other, and Tae is just looking out the window, not acknowledging him.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Tae mumbles, crossing his arms. Robaire furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

"You don't look fine."

Robaire tries to put a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder, but Tae shrugs it off.

"Next stop..."

Raya says, pulling up to another building not too far from the first one.

"Nice, a record store!"

T says happily, getting out of the car and pulling Z along by the hand. The others follow them inside.

"Oh, you're here!"

A man greets them at the door, shaking each of their hands.

"I'm Ray, welcome to the shop! Feel free to look around, we're still getting set up over here."

The guys split up and look at all the different music in the store. Robaire follows after Tae Young, still trying to get him to talk.

"Tae, I know you're not fine. You can tell me, you know!"

"I don't wanna talk about it right now."

Tae says bluntly, turning away from him. Robaire sighs.


"Alright guys, if you could just follow me..."

Ray gathers the band, getting them all to stand together in front of the camera.

"So, I'm sure you know how this goes. Introduce yourselves, I'll ask a few questions, and then you can pick out any album from the store. On me."

Once the camera starts rolling, everything seems normal. Tae isn't as upset as he was before- in fact, he's excited to take home that Avril Lavigne vinyl he's been eyeing.

After the questions, Tae Young heads straight for the vinyl. Robaire doesn't follow him this time, instead going to get an album of his own. Literally.

"Robaire, what made you choose this?"

Ray comes up to him, the camera still filming.

"Oh, you know. I think they're the best boyband out there."

Robaire shows the 4*Town album to the camera, and Ray laughs.

"I'll have to agree. Now, let's see what the other guys picked up..."

Now, the band is waiting for fans to arrive for the meet & greet. It's being held in the same record store that they just finished the interview in.

"Tae, please. Talk to me."

Robaire catches up to Tae Young before he can go over and talk to T. He sighs.

"What you said this morning just... made me upset, that's all. When you were asked about your 'girlfriend'."

"Is that was this is all about? Because I didn't announce that we're together on live TV?"

"Well, yeah. We had the opportunity to. We just talked about this with AJ."

Robaire rolls his eyes.

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