☆ Cheerleader

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esse relaxes in a lawn chair, reading a Harry Potter book as Z and Robaire play basketball a few feet away. There's a boombox beside him, tuned into some radio station playing the latest hits.

Meanwhile, Tae Young and T are inside, sitting across from each other on the floor of Tae's room.

"Yeah, that girl was totally jealous. She was so mad when Z kissed me, you should have seen!"

T says, his hand being held by Tae as he paints his nails blue. The two have been locked in Tae's room for about an hour, gossiping, trying on clothes, just hanging out.

Tae glances out of the window at the boys playing basketball.

"T, look!"

"Wanna go out there?"

The pair agrees to watch Z and Robaire play basketball, starting to head out. They run into Jesse, who's pouring himself a drink.

"Hey, you two. Joining us outside?"


Tae smiles walking past Jesse. T taps him on the shoulder as they walk through the door.

"I got an idea."


Robaire and Z continue playing, with Tae and T sitting on a bench beside the court.

"Robaire looks so cute!"

"Do you see Z's arms? My god, what I'd let them do to me."

The boys giggle girlishly, intently watching the one-on-one basketball game.

"Hey babe! Take your shirt off!"

T shouts. Z does it without looking, throwing it off somewhere. T whistles, slightly distracting him. Robaire takes the opportunity to shoot the ball, scoring a point for himself.

"Ha! That's a point! Take that!"

Robaire does a little victory dance. Z laughs.

"That's ten to one."

"Whatever! Let's do, uh... first to thirty?"

"Whoever wins gets to ride in Jesse's helicopter!"

T shouts.

"Oh, it's on!"

"Jesse has a helicopter?"

Everyone looks at Jesse.

"I didn't agree to this-"

"Start the game!"


A few minutes in, Z and Robaire are already getting very competitive. Somehow, they're just about tied, with Robaire only two points behind Z.

"Go Z!"

"Go Robaire!"

Both guys play hard, motivated by the cheering. After a while though, neither of them score any points. T and Tae start to get frustrated.

"T, this isn't working. We need to get serious."

"What does that mean?"

"Come on, I'll show you. Be right back, guys!"

Tae grabs T's hand and brings him back to his room. He runs into the closet, emerging with two orange and blue cheerleading uniforms.

"Woah! You kept those?"

T takes one of them, turning it over in his hands.

"Yeah! The girls from the music video let me have them. I think they'll fit us."

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