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Note: Tae Young speaks Korean to his parents. Obviously I don't know that language, so just pretend lol

Jesse + Tae Young (platonic)
tw for mentions of physical abuse

Years ago, before Tae Young joined 4*town, he first moved to Toronto, Canada. He's lived in South Korea for all his 16 years, but when his father got a job opportunity in this new city, his whole family decided to move. His whole family just being him and his parents.

A few weeks into going to school there, Tae's parents were unsatisfied with the 'sub par' education. Tae didn't have a problem with it, he's never been one to care about school as much as his parents do. So, they enrolled him in some high school-college program at a local university to 'elevate his studies'.

The first day at his new school was strange, to say the least. He was one of the only high schoolers that actually signed up for the program, so he was mostly just alone, surrounded by only older people. Although he did feel out of place, he tried his best to just ignore it and get his work done.

Walking into his first class, Tae takes a seat in the front. The room is practically full, which is usual for a first day. Half of these students will probably stop showing up sooner or later.

The professor walks up to Tae.

"Hello, young man! I'm Mr. Lou, I'll be here if you ever need anything, you know, like if the work is too hard for you."

Mr. Lou smiles at him.

"Thank you."


Before the class is over, Tae Young hears snickers behind him.

"Hey, kid! You know the middle school is down the street, right?"

Tae rolls his eyes at the joke, ignoring it and packing up his things.

Later that day, Tae's eating lunch on campus. He throws a few pieces of fruit to the birds that quickly gather around him. One of them lands on his shoulder.

"Hey there! You want-"

Tae stops talking to the bird when he sees someone sitting on a bench across from him. He smiles sheepishly at the stranger, embarrassed that he just heard him talking to a pigeon.

The stranger looks only a few years older than Tae, sporting blond hair and striking blue eyes. He waves at Tae, a friendly grin on his face.

Tae Young shyly waves back, the bird still perched on his shoulder. Another pigeon flies onto Tae's head, getting a laugh from the stranger.

"They must really like you!"

They both laugh, Tae growing more comfortable. This stranger could potentially be a friend. He beckons him over to sit on the bench next to him.


"What's up? You new here?"

Tae nods.

"It's my first day."

"I see you've already made a few friends."

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