A Flair for the Dramatic 4

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Tae Young cries on the floor of AJ's bedroom, not caring to close the door behind him, or even get a good look of where he is. The room is almost pitch black, only illuminated by a sliver of moonlight streaming in through the window.

"Tae, are you in here?"

The door creaks as Justin pushes it open. Tae looks up, his tear-stained face just barely visible to him. He doesn't say anything at first, so Justin kneels down beside him.

"Um, I'm sorry for... That. I didn't think that'd happen."

Justin apologizes, but Tae is still crying, barely listening to him.

"I- I think you should leave."

"It's gonna take more than that to get rid of me, gorgeous."

Justin fully sits down beside him.

"Robaire's right. I should've never been friends with you, cause look where that got us."

Tae turns away from Justin, but he persists.

"I think he's totally wrong. You're a really good person, you can't help it. That's just who you are."

"No, I'm just stupid. I have no idea what I'm doing, and I should have listened to him. Instead, I just... I just ruined everything!"

Tae starts crying again, bringing his knees to his chest and covering his face.

"Hey, that's not true at all. Tae, please  look at me..."

Justin moves closer, and Tae puts ome of his legs down so he can look at him.

"You are not stupid. Robaire is the one that made a mistake. No one in their right mind would ever leave someone like you, Tae Young."

Justin brings a hand up to Tae's face, wiping some of the tears gathered on his cheek. Even in the dimly lit room, Justin can see the eyeliner running down his face.

Everything after that moment happens in a blur. Before Tae even knew it, Justin's lips were on his, and he was kissing back, all thoughts of Robaire pushed to the back of his mind. It's only when Justin's hand starts running up his thigh that Tae is brought back to reality.

Tae pulls away quickly, taking his hand off Justin's chest to stop him going any further.

"Um, Justin... I'm sorry. I... We shouldn't be doing this."

"What? But you broke up with Robaire. What's wrong?"

"I know we broke up, but I can't do this."

Tae says. Justin stops himself from rolling his eyes as he continues.

"Justin, I like you a lot. I like how confident you are, and you never fail to make me feel important. I like the attention, but..."

Justin smiles, but it slowly fades when Tae adds onto what he's saying.

"But I love Robaire. He may be a lot at times, but I wouldn't trade him for anyone."

"So, me and you..."

"I'm sorry."

"You know, Robaire's only the first person you've ever been with. How can you know he's the one you're supposed to be with forever?"

Justin takes Tae's hand and laces their fingers together.

"I... I don't. But that doesn't mean I'm not gonna try."

"You really love him, don't you?"

Tae nods, and Justin can't help but smile.

"I don't wanna keep you from him anymore, then."

"You don't?"

"As much as I'd love to have you all to myself... I know that I can't. And as your friend, I just want you to be happy. I hope it works out for you guys."

Tae pulls Justin in for a tight hug, much to his surprise. Justin hugs back with one arm, before both of them stand up.

"Thank you so much."

"Don't thank me. Go out there and get him back."

With that, Tae rejoins the party to find Robaire and make things right.

to be continued

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