☆ Bambi

626 20 13

Tae Young sits in the forest, surrounded by rabbits, birds, and deer. He's been talking to them about his week, and it alnost seems like they're listening to him.

"And Robaire asked me out on a date!"

He says happily, and a few birds flap their wings in a sort of reaction.

"We saw a bunch of animals, and looked at some stars, and the best part is... when we got back to the car..."

The critters lean in, as if they're waiting to hear what Tae is going to say next.

"He kissed me! Oh, isn't that just amazing?"

Tae stands up, twirling around with his hands to his heart. Very Disney princess-esque. The birds fly around him, creating a breeze that lightly ruffles his hair.

"He's so handsome, and charming, and perfect! I don't know how I got this lucky, you guys."

A robin lands on his finger, nuzzling against his face for a second. Tae sighs.

"I want to ask him to be my boyfriend. Do you think it's too soon?"

The animals don't answer, not to his surprise. He thinks about it for nearly a minute.

"Well, I guess it'll happen when it's meant to, right?"

A brown rabbit hops into Tae's lap as he sits down near the pond. He strokes their head between the ears, staring at the sky longingly.

Then, his phone rings. Complicated by Avril Lavigne starts playing, interrupting the whimsical moment.



"Hey, where are you, kid? You said you'd be home twenty minutes ago."

Tae checks the time on his phone, and it is in fact twenty five minutes after he was supposed to be back home.

"Sorry, Jesse! I'm coming."

"Alright, Z and I are going to the store by the way."

"Okay. Bye Jesse."

"See ya."

Tae puts his phone back into his bag, gently placing the rabbit beside him on the grass so he can stand.

"Goodbye, everyone. I'll see you all tomorrow!"

He starts to leave, but stops in his tracks when he sees a baby deer limping toward him.

"Oh, are you alright? Come here..."

He kneels in front of the fawn, carefully picking up its front leg. He sees that it's broken, and frowns.

"You poor thing. Here, I'll fix you up. Hop in."

Tae opens his bag, allowing the small animal to get inside. He walks home with it.

When Tae opens the door, he sees Jesse behind it.

"Oh! Hey Jesse. I'm just gonna go. To my room. Have fun at the uh, store."


Tae sprints past Jesse, shielding his bag from him as much as possible as he speeds away. Once he's finally in his room, he closes the door and lets the deer out.

"Alright, you stay in here while I go get some supplies. Don't mess with Abby over there, she doesn't like her nap time being interrupted."

Then, Tae Young sneaks out of his door, going down the hall to the closet where he keeps all his animal stuff. He starts searching through the tub of gauze, looking for a good sized roll to use on the fawn's leg.

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