Matchmaker 4

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After the shoot, Jesse stands in his room alone. He stares at the unfinished ceramic sculpture in his hands, deep in thought. He wasn't expecting to see Beck that day, now he's cringing as he thinks of all the embarrassing things that he's said and done. Jesse's never been the type to think so hard about relationships, so he's confused to even find himself in this state. He doesn't know what the problem is- if it's him, her, both of them... He doesn't understand why it's so hard for him to talk to her like he used to. Jesse puts the sculpture down, leaving his room. 

As soon as Jesse steps into the living room, he sees T talking to Beck on the couch.

Great, here we go again.

T notices Jesse walking in, so he quietly leaves, walking past him with a wink. Jesse suppresses the urge to roll his eyes, moving further into the room. 

"Hey Jess! T invited me and the girls over, hope that's okay with you."

Beck says, turning around to look at Jesse. He nods.

"That's fine."

Beck hums and turns back around. Jesse just stands there, feeling his stomach turn and his pulse quicken. He sighs in annoyance, he really is not in the mood for this little crush or whatever it is.

Back in T's room, Tae and T sit on the floor.

"So, I told Beck."

T says happily.

"You told her what?"

"You know, that Jesse likes her!"

"Oh. Do you think that was a good idea?"

"Pfft, of course! We both know he wouldn't have said anything himself. Besides, she was super cool about it. They'll be together in no time."

Tae smiles at this.

"Cool! It's been way too long since Jesse's had a girlfriend, I'm glad we decided to do this."

"Hehe, me too!"

Jesse is not glad they decided to do this. If T and Tae would have just minded their business, Jesse wouldn't be on this walk with Beck. It's not that he doesn't enjoy her company- he does, he just doesn't enjoy the feelings that came with it.

The sun is setting, and everything is yellow and orange around them. It's beautiful, and Jesse really wishes he could enjoy it, but all he can think of is the aggressive fluttering of his heart and the sweat forming in his palms.

Neither of them are speaking, and Jesse starts to feel anxious. Beck is just thinking of what to say.

"So, Jesse..."

She starts.


"T told me something earlier."

Jesse sighs, finally realizing what T was actually talking to her about. He should have known, really.

"Wh- what did he tell you?"

"Oh, don't play dumb, Jesse. You and I both know."

Jesse tries to respond, but words don't come out. They just continue to walk silently. Jesse hasn't even noticed that he's lead them to the park.

"Hm, the park at sunset? Romantic."

Beck laughs, and Jesse cringes only slightly. Her thinking that is a good sign, but he can't help but feel that something is wrong.

"Heh, yeah. You know me. Romantic..."

Jesse trails off, following Beck to a bench near the park's entrance. They sit down, Beck looking out at the scenery while Jesse looks down.

"So, uh... You missed me?"

"Yeah. A lot."

"But... We see each other all the time."

"I know, I mean- it's just not the same. We used to be so close, yet we haven't even had an actual conversation in... in months."

Beck hums thoughtfully.

"I had no idea you felt like that, Jess. I miss it too."

They both turn their heads to face one another at the same time. As they're staring at each other's faces, Beck notices the red tint in Jesse's cheeks. The wind blows her hair into her face, and Jesse moves to tuck a strand behind her ear. As he's doing this, Beck leans in and kisses him gently.

And this is where things take a turn. Jesse thought it'd be a perfect moment, that kissing her would have him seeing stars as all his problems melted away, and he'd realize that what he felt all along was love. But it didn't. He just feels... detatched. He doesn't make an effort in returning the kiss; instead he pulls away. He sees Beck's face, looking just as confused as he feels.


"I'm sorry. This... this isn't what I wanted."

Jesse sighs, looking away from Beck entirely.

"I did miss you, Beck. I know that for sure. I just... I don't think I'm ready for this."

"You said you missed how we used to be? This is how we used to be! We dated for six years, Jesse, we-"

"Beck, don't. What we had was really great, I wouldn't trade that for anything. I guess I just... missed you as a friend?"

Beck's eyes narrow, and she moves away from Jesse a little.

"Really? The way you've been acting is not how someone behaves when they miss their friend."

"It's different when it comes to you. Maybe it started as a crush, but I just realized that's not how I really feel."

As Jesse speaks, Beck just looks at him in disbelief.

"Is there someone else? Is it that girl Raya? I never thought-"

"No, it's nothing like that. There's never been anyone else."

Beck sighs, running a hand through her hair.

"Jesse, I still don't understand you right now. I think we should... leave. You need some time alone."

Beck stands abruptly, starting to walk back to the house. Jesse follows her, the fluttery feeling he had finally subsiding. When they get home, Beck quickly collects her stuff and the twins and heads for the door.

"Beck, wait..."

Jesse tries to stop her from leaving, but she just gives him one last look before closing the door behind her. Her face was impossible to read, leaving Jesse to wonder.

After Beck leaves, T re-enters the room, followed by Tae Young. They're both excited to hear the outcome of the little date they helped send Jesse on. Then, they see how dejected Jesse looks and their smiles fall.

"Hey Jesse! How'd it go-"

"Are you okay?"

Jesse nods and gives them a sad smile.

"I'll be fine."

He leaves. T's eyebrows are raised, he's barely processed what just happened. Tae is the same way, looking at T with surprise.

"What the hell was that?"

"I think... I think we failed, T."

"But what did we do wrong? It was perfect, they liked each other, why didn't they..."

As T goes on a small rant, Tae sighs. They both thought they had this in the bag, but maybe Jesse and Beck aren't a perfect match after all.

a/n: jesse is forever single since the poor guy can't tell the difference between platonic and romantic feelings <3

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