A Night to Remember 4

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a/n: the grammy awards were held in nyc, but in my book, the boys live in california. just pretend they're in the same area lol

On the night of the Grammys, everyone is getting dressed in the clothes that Tae has pulled together for them.

"You look so good! It's so much better than I imagined!"

Tae claps his hands together, beaming at T and Z in their outfits.

"You don't look too bad yourself."

Robaire's voice sounds out from the doorway. Tae quickly turns around, a rush of emotion coming to him as he sees Robaire.

"Oh! Y- you- Thank you!"

Tae stammers, blushing as Robaire moves toward him. Robaire takes his hand, placing a gentle kiss to it, only making Tae blush harder.

T whistles at them, nudging Z with his elbow.

"Alright, guys! Our ride's here, let's go!"

Everyone follows Jesse outside, getting into the limo parked in front of the house.

When they get to the event, they step out of the car and are met with hundreds of camera flashes.


"Robaire, over here!"

"Tae Young, are you wearing a skirt?"

They answer as little questions as possible, not stopping once. They all take their seats, getting a few looks from surrounding celebrities.

"Robby, they're staring at us..."

Tae whispers to Robaire.


Robaire smiles at someone a seat across from them.

"Z, did you hear that Beyonce's here? Did you see her? Oh, and Justin Timberlake! Ah, I'm so excited!"

"I can tell."

Z laughs, subtly intertwining his and T's hands. T feels that Z is actually shaking a little, doing a good job at hiding his fear.

"Aw, you're nervous!"

"No... Okay, maybe a little. What if it doesn't go well?"

"It has to go well. We didn't do all that work just for it to not go well. It's just not possible."

T reassures him, squeezing his hand.

Soon enough, the award ceremony is in full swing. They watch performances from Eminem, Vanessa Carlton, and a few other artists. After what feels like so much time, the award for "song of the year" is finally being called.

"The nominees are: A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton, The Rising by Bruce Springsteen, Complicated by Avril Lavigne,"

Tae gasps hearing Avril' nomination, clasping a hand over his mouth.

"Nobody Like U by 4*Town,"

"That's us, guys. This is it."

Robaire says. They haven't won any of their nominations so far; it's starting to look similar to last year's ceremony. At least they were nominated more than once this time.

"And the Grammy goes to... 4*Town!"

T stands up first, bouncing on his feet.

"We won! We won!"

"I can't believe it!"

They share words of cheer, exchanging hugs. T and Z even start to go in for a kiss, playing it off as a friendly embrace when they remember they're on national television. When they get to the stage, Robaire steps up to the microphone.

"Wow. This... This is unreal!"

"We're gonna thank all our fans first, you made this happen!"

Tae says, waiting for the applause to quiet down a bit.

"Especially our biggest fans: Abby, Mei, Miriam, Priya, and Tyler."

"Also our manager, Raya! We love you, thank you!"

They finish their little speech, going back to their seats to watch the rest of the ceremony.

The next performance is by Avril Lavigne. Tae Young screams louder than he ever has before, already having made his way into the pit in front of the stage.

The moment Avril starts singing, Tae is crying tears of joy. He reaches out for her the entire time, his makeup starting to run down his face. Near the end of the song, Avril moves to the edge of the stage and interlocks her hand with his as she sings. Tae's eyes are impossibly wide, and he thinks he's having a heart attack.

After Avril's performance, Tae returns to his friends. His makeup and hair are completely ruined, but he has the biggest smile on his face.

"Guys... Avril... Lavigne... held my hand... I'm... I'm gonna die. This is the best day of my life."

He exclaims dramatically as T comes up to him, immediately fixing his hair.

"I saw! But dude, your makeup! We're on next, you know!"


T pulls a small makeup kit out of his pocket, quickly wiping Tae's face and reapplying his eyeliner.

"Come on guys, we need to get to the roof right now if we wanna do my entrance right!"

Robaire says, grabbing Tae Young's wrist and jogging away. The rest of them follow.

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