☆ TV Family

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fluff for jesse's birthday!!

At Beck's house, she and Jesse are just finishing a movie, curled up on the couch together. It's been hours since they put the kids to bed, and they're pretty close to dozing off themselves. Jesse's sketchbook is on the table in front of them, an unfinished drawing of Beck on the open page.

Jesse leans over and picks up the book, taking the pencil from the wired spiral. Beck gives him a questioning look.

"I'm finishing it."

He says quietly, drawing away. Beck leans back into the couch.

"You can barely even see me right now."

"I know what you look like."

Jesse says, his eyes leaving the page to meet hers for a second. Beck laughs softly, turning her head toward Jesse so she can watch him.


He turns the book around, showing Beck the drawing. To her, nothing much has changed.

"It looks the same, Jess."

"Huh? No, I finished the shading on your hair, and I signed it."

Jesse yawns, his words sort of slurring together.

"Let me see."

Jesse hands her the book, and she admires the drawing for a second, feeling a blush rising on her face. She turns the page and looks back up at Jesse.

"Can I see the pencil? I wanna draw you now."

She says tiredly, covering her mouth as she yawns. Jesse hands her the pencil. Beck squints her eyes to see Jesse in the dark, finishing the drawing quickly. Jesse smiles when she starts laughing.


"It's terrible. I think we need to just go to bed."

Beck hands the sketchbook back to Jesse, and he nods at the drawing.

"It's not terrible."

He yawns, taking another look at the picture before setting the book back down on the table. Jesse leans back and puts his arm around Beck.

They wake early in the morning, just as the sun is rising. As Jesse sits up, he notices the open sketchbook with Beck's drawing. He laughs, and Beck wakes up fully at that.

"Stop laughing. You said it wasn't terrible."

Beck mumbles, and Jesse picks up the book. He carefully tears out the page with the drawing.

"I don't remember it looking like this!"

Jesse keeps laughing, and Beck playfully hits him on the shoulder.

"I'm not an artist. Leave me alone."

"I love it though. This is gonna be framed and put right on my wall!"

"You are so embarrassing."

Beck laughs, and moves to sit beside Jesse. She lies her head on his shoulder.

"How long do you think it'll be until the girls wake up?"

Jesse says.

"I'd say at least an hour. When's Tae Young coming?"

"I think-"

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