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After a performance, 4*Town is getting ready to leave the venue as their equipment is being packed up. Tae Young is sitting on a couch in his dressing room, his knees brought to his chest. He tries to breathe to calm himself down, waiting for Jesse to return.

"Hey kid, the car's here."

Tae looks up, relaxing a bit at the news. Normally, after a show like the one they just played, they'd exit from the front door and meet fans, signing things and taking pictures with them. Tonight though, Tae Young is not feeling that, so he asked Jesse to see if they could leave from the venue's side door to avoid as many people as possible. After the last incident with Tae Young and a crowd just a few days before, Jesse is making sure he won't be caught in that sort of situation again.

As Jesse and Tae round up the other members, they have trouble finding Robaire... At first. After only a few minutes of looking, Robaire strolls up to them, a grin on his face.

"Are we ready to go?"

He asks, and Jesse eyes him suspiciously.

"We are."

"Then let's move! There are people waiting for us, y'know."

"Yeah, we do know. And that's why we're leaving through the side door this time."

Robaire laughs as Jesse says this.

"Ha! You're funny, man. But for real-"

"I'm not joking. The car is already there."

"Well, you better tell the driver to pull up to the front, cause I'm dying to get my picture taken."

Jesse mumbles something under his breath before speaking out again.

"You're the only one that even wants to do that. Come on, we're leaving."

"Hey! I'm the leader anyway, so..."

"This is 4*Town, not 'The Robaire Show'. Just come on, we're wasting time."

"Ugh, but why? It'll be fun!"

"For you, maybe. Tae Young wants to-"

"Not this again. You know, you don't always have to speak for him, he can take care of himself-"

"Can we just go? I don't care if we go through the front or the side door, I just wanna get outta here."

T interrupts the two of them before the argument can get any further. The whole time, Tae Young has been standing behind Jesse, looking down at the floor.

"I'm going out the front."

Robaire says, and Jesse brings a hand to his face in frustration.

"Jesse, maybe we should just... Go through the front."

Tae says quietly, earning a smile from Robaire.

"Are you sure?"


"Uh, okay. Just stay close to me, alright?"

Tae nods, and the group starts to leave. As soon as they reach the door, they're barraged with screams and flashes of light. Tae Young instinctively grabs onto Jesse's arm, trying his best to just smile at all the people.

Robaire is ahead of the rest of the band, already taking dozens of pictures with fans and signing whatever they hand him. T and Z are behind him, doing the same thing but with far less enthusiasm. It only goes on for about five minutes, but Tae wished it was over before it even began.

In the car, Tae sits between Robaire and Jesse. Robaire is still smiling, he's clearly in a good mood. Jesse is the opposite; he has a sour look on his face, occasionally glaring at Robaire. 

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