A Flair for the Dramatic 3

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a/n: SO sorry for this. it's halloween, i had to give y'all something scary...

It's October 31st, the day of AJ's party. Tae Young and Jesse are at Beck's house, getting ready to take the kids trick or treating. Tae Young has just finished Jesse's makeup, now they're waiting for Beck to come out with her costume.


Beck appears at the end of the hall, fully dressed in her Bride of Frankenstein costume. Jesse smiles and goes over to her, thankful for his own green makeup covering his blush.

"I think we're all ready to go!"

Jesse says as Willow and Blair run into the room, both wearing the same black cat costume.

"There they are. Why are they in the same costume?"

Jesse looks at Beck.

"Well, Blair wanted to be a cat first, and when I took them shopping, Willow got jealous and wanted one too, so..."

"Now they match with me!"

Tae says. He's dressed as a witch, now complete with two black cats. Willow gasps and runs over to him, hugging his leg.


The girls cheer, and Jesse and Beck get the same idea. They both reach for their digital camera at the same time, and laugh when their hands touch. Jesse ends up handing it to Beck, and she sneakily takes a picture of Tae and the kids.

"Alright, now we can go."

Some time later, back at home, the rest of the guys are getting dressed in their costumes. T is straddling Z's waist, leaning over him and carefully applying his Jack Skellington makeup.

"You look so hot right now."

T says, sitting up and smiling down at Z.

"You're done?"

T nods. Z stands, picking T up with him. They go into the living room, where Robaire is waiting for them.

"You guys look nice."

"Thanks! You look very... Expensive. I love it though!"

Robaire is dressed as a vampire, his costume being very elaborate and obviously, expensive.

"Yeah, it wasn't cheap. You know I had to go all out."

T starts fawning over Robaire's costume, and Robaire takes the opportunity to brag. Z rolls his eyes and walks to the door, threatening to leave without them.

Robaire, T and Z are the first to show up to AJ and Howie's house.

"Hey! I was starting to think that no one was gonna show."

Howie hangs a final streamer from the ceiling, then climbs back down his step ladder to greet them.

"Hey! Where's AJ?"

T says after giving Howie a hug.

"Somewhere. You never know with him, really."


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