What Happens on the Backstreet

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On a morning much like any other, Tae Young and Jesse are up bright and early. Jesse is feeling particularly generous today, so he's decided to make breakfast for the rest of the guys. Tae Young is helping him. As he's cutting up some fruit, he notices Jesse's phone vibrating on the counter.

"Jesse, I think someone's calling you."

Tae says, and Jesse looks over his shoulder at the phone, which has already stopped ringing. He shrugs.

"I'll call 'em back later."

They continue to work together, carrying on trivial conversations until they're done. Soon, everyone else is up, sitting around the table with plates in front of them.

"Thanks, Jesse!"

"T, don't talk with your mouth full. That's gross. And you're welcome."

T rolls his eyes and goes back to eating. Jesse's phone rings again, this time he answers.

"Hello? ...Oh, hi Beck! Sorry guys, I gotta take this."

Jesse stands from the table and goes into the hall. T and Tae Young share a look.

After a while, everyone is done eating when Jesse comes back. He starts cleaning the table.

"What did Beck want?"

T asks, standing as Tae helps Jesse clean up.

"She wants to meet me at the park. Didn't say why."

"Oh, a date? Nice!"

Jesse shrugs before leaving to his room.

"He's acting weird. That was weird, right?"

T looks to Tae Young.

"Uh, sometimes he just... gets like that about her. I wouldn't think too much of it."

"Hm. Well, you know Jesse better than any of us do."

T pauses for a second.

"But... when was the last time he went on a date? Like, a real date? Not one we set up for him?"

"I don't know. It has been a while."

"Exactly. This is big!"

Robaire comes back into the room.

"What are you two talking about?"

"Jesse's got a date!"

T says, smiling.

"...And that's still weird. Anyway, Raya is gonna stop by the house, she said she has some stuff for us."

Later, Jesse is just about to leave for the park. He reaches for the doorknob, only to have the door opened from the other side.

"Hey guys! Jesse!"

Raya walks in, holding a bag in one hand and her phone in the other. Jesse steps aside.

"Uh, hi Raya."

"Everyone! We have very important business!"

She calls for the others, and they all gather in the living room.

"So, we think it's time you all made some public appearances. You guys really need to get out of the house more."

"We do get out!"

Robaire cuts in, and Raya rolls her eyes.

"Well, the people don't know that, do they? The last time you all were even on the news was when Robaire here got himself into... whatever that was with Justin."

"He was-"

"It doesn't matter! Anyway, since that's happened, everyone is thinking that 4*Town hates other boybands or you're conceited or whatever. You guys not showing your faces in public is not helping that."

"So... What's in the bag?"

T tries to peek into the bag that Raya brought in.

"Oh yeah!"

She takes out a few shirts, handing one to each of the guys.


Raya laughs as Robaire holds up a B2K T-shirt.

"Look, these shirts were not my idea. You guys are supposed to wear these to... show your support for other artists."

"Is there a reason why you gave me this one?"

Jesse holds up a shirt with nothing but Nick Carter's face on it.

"You don't like it?"

"No, actually, I don't."

Raya sighs.

"Well, you have no choice. It'll help clear the band's image."

"Whatever. I was just about to leave, though, so... See you later."

Jesse tosses the shirt onto the couch and leaves. Raya stands.

"Well, that was it. Just make sure you guys go out more, and wear these once in a while."

Everyone agrees, and Raya is sent on her way.

At the park, Jesse starts to walk to his usual spot. He slows down as he sees Beck sitting on the bench next to another man. Jesse stills completely, narrowing his eyes as the man laughs with an arm around Beck.

Why would she invite me here if she was just gonna...

Jesse thinks to himself, shaking his head in disbelief as he looks at the two on the bench.

to be continued

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