Second Wind 4

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As 4*Town takes the stage once again, Tae's stomach churns with nerves. He glances at Robaire, who smiles back at him, his eyes filled with unwavering support. Tae clutches the mic, putting on a smile and waving to someone in the audience.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Before we get started here, I have a few things I wanna say really quick."

Robaire starts, smiling at Tae for just a second. Of course, Justin is standing off to the side, trying to act like he's not too interested, and that he isn't terrified for what Robaire is about to say.

"So, some of you may know this already, but Tae Young and I are together."

Everyone in the crowd goes crazy over this, and Robaire pauses to listen to the applause, a proud grin still on his face.

"There's been a lot of stuff going on."

As he continues, everyone quiets down quickly.

"Some of you may have even seen that I busted some guy's face a while ago. Not naming any names though."

When he says this, Robaire smiles directly at Justin, who rolls his eyes. JC is standing beside him, shaking his head in disapproval. Everyone else in the audience laughs.

Tae, sitting beside Robaire, smiles a bit nervously. Justin does not look too pleased, and Tae knows he'll have to face it later. For now, he forces himself to take his eyes off of him.

"All this just to say that I'm in love with Tae, and I don't care who knows anymore. You can try something again, but I don't know how well that would go for you."

Robaire smirks, making it painfully obvious as he's looking at Justin.

"Alright, this song is called When I Remember When."

Jesse cuts in, causing Robaire to laugh to himself. The music begins, and T starts off the song. Tae's so caught up in feeling like the happiest guy on the planet that he almost misses his cue to join in.

"Why do they say that time will heal this broken heart?"

Tae sings, trying not to laugh at the song's depressing lyrics, how they're the exact opposite of how he's feeling.

After the performance, the guys go to leave the stage. Robaire stops Tae gently, wrapping one arm around his waist. Tae doesn't have time to say anything before Robaire leans in and kisses him, immediately making the audience roar.

Encouraged by the applause, Robaire steadies Tae in his arms, dipping him, never breaking the kiss in the process. When he finally pulls away, Tae is pink and breathless, still holding onto Robaire's shoulders. Robaire waves before leading Tae backstage.

The second they're behind the curtain, T squeals and pulls Tae and Robaire in for a hug at the same time.

"Oh my god, you guys! TaeBaire is official!"

He exclaims, and Robaire raises an eyebrow, still smiling.


"Tae and Robaire together, duh. It's what all the cool kids call you."

T says. He lets go of them as he sees Jesse and Z approaching. Jesse has a proud grin on his face, and Z still has that smirk- but Robaire can tell he's happy for them.

"Wow! It's about time, man."

Jesse says as he pulls Robaire in for a side hug. Z stands nearby with his arms crossed.

"Yeah, I thought so too. I don't think Justin will be giving us much trouble anymore."

Robaire replies.

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