☆ Adventures In Babysitting

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One quiet morning, Tae Young makes his usual plight into the kitchen. No one else is awake, which is odd; Jesse is usually there at the same time as him.

He goes to the fridge, seeing a note written.

I'll be out for most of today. I will be back some time later this morning to drop off the twins. They're staying here just for the day. Don't act like idiots.

- Jesse

Tae hums, opening the fridge to get food. Minutes later, T and Z emerge from T's room and join Tae for some breakfast.

"Where's Jesse?"

T asks, and Tae points toward the note. He reads it, gasping.

"Oh! I forgot that was today!"

Tae and Aaron T talk excitedly, Z paying no attention to them as he eats. Soon enough, Robaire comes in.

"No Jesse today?"

Robaire says before reading the note.

"Oh god."

T laughs at Robaire's reaction.

"Well, I guess I'll just lock myself in my room today."

"What? But they love you!"

Tae Young exclaims.


Just then, the front door opens. Everyone's heads turn, seeing the two 4 year olds come in.

"That's my cue-"

"Uncle Robaire!"

One of the twins, Willow, yells as she rushes over to Robaire. He's practically running out of the kitchen at this point, trying to get to his own room before it's too late.

Blair, the other girl, is more calm upon seeing them all. She waits by the door.

Jesse walks in after them, carrying a few bags. He sets them on the kitchen counter.

"Hey guys. Sorry 'bout Willow, she's-"


Willow runs back into the room, throwing herself at Jesse, who's startled but still catches her.

"Hey, kiddo. I just saw you thirty seconds ago."

Blair hides behind Jesse, staring at Z, who's attention is just on his phone.

"So guys, like I said in my note, I'm gonna have to leave again."

Jesse says calmly, ignoring the way Willow plays with his hair and squishes his face around. Tae Young giggles, finally alerting Blair of his presence.

The young girl perks up for a moment, looking at Tae. He smiles at her, giving a friendly wave.

"Okay, I'll be back soon. Z is in charge."

Jesse sets Willow onto the floor, wrapping both her and Blair in a hug.

As soon as Jesse leaves, the room falls silent. None of them really know what to do, having never been left alone with the kids before. Willow starts to wander around, Blair staying in place. T gets up from his seat, jumping onto one of the couches in the living room. Blair hesitantly heads over to Tae Young.

"Hey, Blair! You remember me, right?"

She nods.

"How are you doing this morning?"

Blair only shrugs, Tae now recalling that this kid is not much of a talker at times.

"Oh, that's alright. I was just gonna go see some animals at the park with Robaire, if you wanna come along."

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