☆ Technical Difficulties

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Z's sitting on the couch with his laptop, growing more aggravated by the second. Raya told him that this task would be easy, and that she just didn't have time to get it done. She asked Jesse first, but he turned it down, so now Z's stuck with the job of uploading video files onto the band's website. It's pretty straightforward; he just has to plug in a flash drive and click on a few things.

As he stares at the screen in frustration, T sits beside him, resting his head on his shoulder. He's been watching him the entire time, giving him (very unhelpful) tips.

"I don't know what this even is."

Z mutters as a window pops up on the screen. T just looks at it, not reading any of the text.

"Z, it can't possibly be this hard. Just do it."

"What the hell do you think I'm trying to do..."

T giggles as his boyfriend continues to press buttons on the keyboard, still not knowing what he's doing.

"Stop laughing at me."

"I'm not! Hehe!"

Z groans, randomly clicking around at this point. The screen says 'error' all over it.

"Error? Ugh!"

He brings his fist down on the keyboard in frustration. T is now doubled over in laughter, clutching his stomach.

"Haha! Did you try turning it off and back on again?"

"Leave me alone."

"Oh, did you even turn on the wifi? Hahahaha!"

Z rolls his eyes. He does check to see if the wifi is connected- it's not. He quickly turns it on, staying silent out of embarrassment. T throws his head back, laughing even harder.

"You didn't even have the wifi on, oh my god! Ahaha!"

"Whatever, T. It's working now."

"Hahaha! You should have seen yourself, you were so mad, ahaha!"

Z stares at the computer screen with a straight face.

"Error? Ugh! Hahaha!"

T says, mocking Z's noises of anger. Z finally starts to laugh as well.

"Ha, shut up dude."

The files finally upload, only an hour later than they were supposed to. T teases Z about it throughout the entire day, laughing way too hard whenever he sees Z using any form of technology.

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