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One day, Tae Young wakes up to the sound of birds singing through his window. The sun is casting its orange glow in streaks, lighting up everything in its path. The birds, the sunlight, and the quiet creates a tranquility that's exclusive to this time of day, it being one of the reasons that Tae loves mornings so much. He gets out of bed, sliding his feet into bunny slippers and heading to his bathroom to freshen up.

As he starts to go to the kitchen, Jesse emerges from his room at the exact same time he does. Tae smiles brightly, the two exchanging greetings and good mornings.

"How'd you sleep, Jesse?"

Tae asks, digging into a bowl of fruit salad. Jesse sighs.

"Honestly, not the best. My back has been killing me lately."

"Heh, your age must be catching up to you!"

Jesse rolls his eyes at Tae's remark.

"Anyway, you got any plans for today?"

"Yeah, Robaire's taking me to the animal shelter. I have some stuff to do there."

"Hm. How are things with him?"

Jesse asks, sending Tae into a dreamy state as he thinks of his boyfriend.

"Oh, he's really great, Jesse! But..."


"But sometimes, I don't... I don't understand him. He acts weird at times."

"Weird like what?"

"Like, um.. I don't know how to word this. Sometimes he just acts like he's trying to impress me or something, and he does so much, it's weird. You know what I mean?"

Jesse nods thoughtfully.


"Sorry, I didn't wanna bother you with all this so early in the morning-"

"No, I wanna hear it. How do you feel when he does that?"

"It's fine, I guess. I just wish he'd realize that I like him without all the extra stuff. Like when he first asked me out, the whole thing with Avril... It was really cool! But after, there were so many people talking to us, and I just wanted to be alone with him, but there was a crowd and you know how he is with crowds."

As Tae explains, Jesse takes a sip of his coffee and thinks to himself.

"I see. Have you talked to him about that?"

"Uh... No."

"That's your problem right there, kid. You need to talk to him."

"You're right. So, is anything going on with you?"

At this, a name flickers in Jesse's mind, but he quickly shakes it off. He's biting the inside of his cheek, his eyes narrowed. He shrugs, hesitating before he responds.

"Not really."

Tae raises his eyebrows, a small smirk forming on his lips.

"Liar! I know that look!"

"There was no look."

"What is it?"

"No one- I mean, nothing."

Tae gasps, covering his mouth with a giggle.

"You have a crush!"

Jesse's face turns pink, and he rolls his eyes in an attempt to seem unfazed.

"I never said that. Just eat your food."

Tae laughs at Jesse, who's now just about hiding his face behind his coffee mug. It's so rare that Jesse acts like this, he hasn't had feelings for anyone since-

"Oh my gosh, Jesse! Is it who I think it is-"

"What? I don't know who you're talking about."

"Yes you do, she's literally-"

Just then, T strolls into the kitchen, Z close behind him. Tae beckons T over, giggling the entire time.

"What's up Tae?"

"Jesse totally has a crush on..."

Tae whispers into T's ear. T gasps, having the same reaction as Tae did when he figured it out.

"Really? Jesse, why didn't you tell us?"

"Because I don't have a-"

"Who are you guys talking about?"

Z chimes in. T and Tae laugh as Jesse groans, covering his face with his hands.

"Guess! She was here a few days ago, dropping off-"

"Oh! Haha, that makes sense."

Jesse shakes his head.

"I never confirmed anything. I don't have a crush on anyone."

T and Tae ignore Jesse's comment, talking amongst themselves. The calm that Tae was feeling this morning is long gone, now he's giddy with excitement and ready to play matchmaker.

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