Out Of Sync 6

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"Um... A plan for what, exactly?"

"So, you'll call Justin. Tell him you're coming to the show. And when he tries to... do whatever he was gonna do with you backstage, I'll come out and confront him."

"And that's all you'll do?"

"Unless I need to do more."

Tae considers the plan, what could really go wrong?

"You know what... Why not? Let me get my phone."

As Tae Young starts dialing Justin's number, Robaire speaks again.

"I didn't know you already had his number."

"Actually, he called me first a while ago."

"How'd he get your number?"

"I... don't know."

"Okay, I trust you of course. But you have to admit that sounds suspicious."

"I- I never gave it to him, really."

"Alright, just... call him."


"Hey. Finally decided to ditch the frenchie?"

"Um... Yes."

Tae puts the phone on speaker, letting Robaire listen to the conversation.

"Sweet. I knew you'd come around."

"Yes... So, uh... I'll see you there."

"I can't wait."

"Okay, later-"

"Oh, you don't wanna stay and talk for a bit? I just got done rehearsing, and I don't have much to do."


Tae looks to Robaire, silently asking what he should say next. Robaire isn't looking back, though; he's staring at the phone with his eyebrows furrowed. Right now, he's really trying to put on a calm front for Tae Young- instead of and punching a hole into a wall or something.

"Well, I was just gonna... get dressed for the show."

"Stay on the call, then."

Robaire looks up and shakes his head.

"Uh, sorry. Robaire is, um... calling for me."

"Oh, okay. Tonight, I'll make you forget all about him... see you then, angel."

Tae Young cringes as Justin says this, then hangs up the phone. Robaire is fuming.

"Wow. Since when does he talk to you like that? 'I'll make you forget all about him'? And he called you angel? My name for you? Who does he think he is?"

"Um, I don't... We should get ready, don't you think?"

"Yeah, yeah. I just hate how he's so comfortable with saying all that to you when he knows we're together."

"You don't have to worry, Robby! I don't want anyone else but you. I didn't spend years drawing hearts around our names in my diary for nothing."

Robaire smirks and takes Tae Young's hand, kissing it gently.

"I don't know what I did to deserve you."

Tae blushes before clearing his throat.

"Uh, I- I'm gonna go get dressed."

Soon, Robaire and Tae Young are driving to the concert's venue. Robaire is wearing a disguise- Big sunglasses and a hat. Not much of a disguise, really, but it'll keep him hidden for long enough.

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