Out Of Sync 3

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a/n: i'm using *NSYNC's song "I Want You Back". just pretend that song didn't exist yet i guess lol

The rest of the "bonding experience" goes a lot smoother than expected. No fights broke out, and some of the guys even had fun. Like all good things though, the peace between the two bands will eventually come to an end.

It's the next day, and 4*Town is at home. *NSYNC is supposed to be meeting them there so they can start working on their song in the home studio. Jesse was really against this idea, not ready to have his precious instruments even touched by outside hands. But still, Raya insisted, saying that they'd bond better if they worked from home.

As *NSYNC pulls up into the driveway, some of them are gaping at the size of the house.

"They live here?"

"Man, this is so much nicer than... than any of our places! How many acres is that?"

Joey and Lance stare at the large building before them, and Justin is rolling his eyes harder than he ever has before.

"My god, guys. It's not even that cool! Just..."

Justin looks up, and the house is rather impressive. But if course, he can't let it show that he thinks it is.

"Let's just go inside."

Lance walks ahead of the group, and he knocks on the door. It only takes a few seconds for Jesse to answer, greeting them all with a friendly smile.

"You guys have such a nice house."

Joey says, he and Lance being even more in awe of the inside.

"Thanks. Living with five guys, a baby deer, about four doves... Ya need a lot of space."

Jesse says.

"You guys have a deer?"

Lance asks excitedly, and Tae Young laughs.

"Yes! I found him with a broken leg a while ago, I'm just fostering him until he's better. His name is Bambi!"

"That's so sick! Can we see him?"

"Of course! Here, I'll show you to my room!"

Tae Young, Lance and Joey all go up to Tae's room. Jesse, Justin, Chris, and JC are in the living room, everyone except Justin getting comfortable on the couches. Justin was going to join them, that is until he saw Robaire walk into the room.

"They're here already?"

"Yeah. You wanna come sit down?"

Jesse invites him over, but Robaire just crosses his arms and stays where he is, he and Justin glaring at each other.

"I think I'm gonna go back upstairs. Until we start working."

"Why? You got a problem?"

"Yes, Justin. I do. You're in my house."

"You say that as if I wanna be here. I'd literally rather be anywhere else."

As Justin and Robaire start arguing again, T and Z enter, going unnoticed by the two of them.

"Woah, are you guys gonna fight? Fight, fight, fi-"

"No, they are not gonna fight. Robaire is going to be nice to Justin, and welcome him like a normal person."

Jesse says in a strict tone, nodding at Robaire.

"Fine. Sorry."

Robaire apologizes grumpily before turning around to go back to his room. He sees Tae Young coming back, being followed by Lance and Joey.

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