Boyfriend 2

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On the day of the concert, Tae Young is practically bouncing off the walls. He's already listened to every Avril Lavigne CD that he has in the car, singing along to each song.

Robaire was just as excited, seeing Tae so passionate about something just makes him feel warm inside. When he remembers why this show is happening in the first place though, he starts to feel a little anxious.

He thinks of what might happen if his plan doesn't unfold correctly- what if Tae just doesn't like it? What if it puts too much attention on him and what if people start to recognize them and they crowd around and Tae gets lost and-

Calm down, Robaire.

Robaire takes a deep breath, keeping his hands tight on the steering wheel.

"Are you okay?"

Tae asks, turning down the music's volume.

"I'm fine. We're almost there!"

Robaire smiles at him briefly, turning back to focus on the road. Tae turns the music back up, jamming to it the rest of the way to the venue.

When they get to their destination, Tae starts to shake. Literally. He's so thrilled that his body can't even contain it.

"Robby! Oh my gosh! I'm, I'm- !"

Tae tries to form a sentence, but his mouth just makes sounds. Robaire chuckles.

Now, as they're waiting in the crowd for the show to start, Robaire starts to feel the anxiety again. He's hoping that orchestrating this whole thing was the right idea.

When Avril appears on stage, the entire audience screams. Tae Young is already crying, grabbing onto Robaire's hand.

The first song she played was Sk8r Boi, one of Tae's favorites. Although he would be lying if he didn't say they were all his favorite.

Robaire jumps and dances along with him, just enjoying himself at the show and forgetting about what's happening soon.

A whole setlist later, Avril comes to the edge of the stage, close to where the pair is standing.

"I've got one more song for you guys... This song is very special today."

Robaire glances at Tae, who's watching Avril with enchantment as she starts to sing.

"I like your smile, I like your vibe, I like your style, but that's not why I love you."

Tae grins, turning to yell at Robaire over the music.

"This is my favorite song!"

Of course, Robaire knew that. It's all part of the plan.

"You're so beautiful, but that's not why I love you!"

Tae sings along, holding Robaire's hand close to him. As the song inches nearer its end, Avril steps directly in front of Tae.

"I'm not sure you know, that the reason I love you is you, being you, just you."

Tae is smiling so hard that his cheeks hurt, but he couldn't care any less.

"Tae, that's why I love you!"

Tae's jaw drops. He stops all movement, looking up at Avril who just said his name.

"And I have something to tell you..."

She continues singing the melody of the song, changing the lyrics.

"Robaire's in love with you!"

The song comes to a finish, Avril still in front of Tae. She sits down, her legs dangling off of the stage. Then, the screens behind her flash two words: "Date me?"

Tae's confused for a second, then he looks at Robaire and understands.

"Oh, Robby, I..."

He looks at Avril, at the screen, and back at him. Everyone has fallen silent at this point, the room pulsing with anticipation.

Robaire feels anxious for one last time, starting to feel like this was all a mistake. He shouldn't have put this kind of pressure on him, in front of all of these people, in front of Avril-

"Of course!"

Tae says, immediately followed by roaring applause. Robaire sighs in relief, pulling Tae in for a hug. He lifts him into the air, spinning him a few times before setting him down. Tae catches a glimpse of Avril who's still looking at the two with a smile. She winks at him.

"Tae, you wouldn't believe how scared I was. I'm so glad you said yes, I don't-"

Robaire is cut off by Tae smashing his lips into his. When he pulls away, there are tears in his eyes.

"Robaire, this was better than I could have ever imagined. I don't even know what to say, this is so amazing, I feel like I'm gonna pass out..."

"It wasn't too much?"

"Are you kidding? It was perfect. I don't think I've ever been so happy in my life! I can't believe you did that for me!"

Robaire smiles, taking Tae's hand as they start to leave.

"Tae, I'd do anything for you."

Tae blushes.

"R- really, you didn't have to do all that. I would've said yes if you asked normally."

"Where's the fun in that? Besides, only the best for my boyfriend."

Robaire smirks, nudging Tae with his shoulder.

That night, after everyone's gone to bed, thoughts of the other boy run through the heads of Tae and Robaire. Tae Young looks at the posters on the wall, thanking the goddess that is Avril Lavigne.

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