Parents 4

658 20 23

final part. TW for homophobia sorry lol

"Because I'm gay, mom."

Z finally blurts out, and both of his parents look like they've seen a ghost. Even his father- especially his father.

"You're what?"

"You heard me."

Z's mom looks at her husband, but he stares at Z. Z can feel the burning gaze of his father, but keeps looking away from his eyes.

"You need to explain. You can't be... one of those."

"What's there to explain? I'm gay. I like men."

His father shakes in anger, balling up a fist. He stands from the table.

"I don't know where you're getting this from, but no son of mine is gonna be a f*g."

Z looks down, his mom glancing at him apologetically.

"Aaron, sweetie..."

She starts, but stops when she can't figure out what to say.

"I know what you guys expected, and I'm sorry that it's not me."

Z says quietly, sadly.

"Honey, maybe we should... Aaron, your father and I are going to step outside for a moment."

Z's mom ushers her husband outside, shutting the door. Z groans and lies his head on the table. He feels surprisingly relieved, relieved that he's finally told his parents what he's been keeping in for so long. He also feels the crushing disappointment of knowing he'll never be the son his parents wanted.

As soon as Z's parents make their exit, T rushes over to him.

"Z? Are you okay?"

He leans over him, rubbing circles on his back.

"Yeah. But I also feel like sh*t."

"It could have gone worse."

"I know, I... I feel like I shouldn't have said that."

"Z, that was the best thing you could have said. They'd have to find out one way or another."

"I guess so."

T brings Z's head up, hands on either side of his face.

"You were brave, Z. I'm proud of you."

He says, kissing him shortly and sweetly. Z smiles.

"I love you so much, T."

The two embrace each other for a few moments, not noticing the re-enterance of Z's parents.


Both Aarons look up, separating. Z's mom doesn't look upset at him at all- the same can't be said for his dad.

"Aaron, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel bad."

Says Z's mother.

"Well, I for one think you should feel bad. This is something to be ashamed of, these friends of yours are putting these ideas in your head, something has to be done!"

Z's dad, still enraged, walks up to Z and T. He points at T.

"You. You're the one. You corrupted my son."

T scoffs before looking at Z. Z shakes his head, but it's too late. T stands about a foot shorter than Z's father.

"No one corrupted him! You're the ones that want him to be this... Whatever it is, you don't want him to be happy, you just want to control him!"

"Excuse me?"

Z's father squints his eyes at T.

"I'm not done. You should be ashamed for not accepting your own son!"

T jabs a finger into his chest, but his wrist is quickly grabbed. Z, who's watching the entire interaction, jumps from his seat and pulls T back protectively.

"Don't touch him."

He says. His father shakes his head in disbelief.

"Z, I'm okay."

Z steps aside, still standing close to T.

"When Z told me you guys were visiting, I thought we could get along, but you're honestly a huge piece of sh*t and I don't know how you could have raised someone like him."

"Don't use that language on me, boy."

"Oh, I'm sorry. You're just a f*cking sh*tty excuse for a father, and I-"

"Okay, T. I think he gets it."

"Aaron, tell your friend to control that mouth of his before it gets him in trouble."

Z stares at his father coldly.

"No. He's right. It's clear that you don't even actually care about my well-being."

"Of c-"

"I don't wanna hear it, dad. I'm tired of trying to get your approval."


"And he's my boyfriend, if you couldn't tell already."

Z's father just looks at him, not speaking or moving. His mother sighs, moving to stand in front of T.

"I'm sorry. I was just... shocked, that's all. I saw the way you comforted him earlier, and you standing up for him like that was just... I think you are perfect for him."

"You're not serious."

"I am. I think you need to come to your senses, he's happy just like this."

Z's parents argue, and T turns to his boyfriend.

"At least one of them's cool."


Z's dad suddenly stomps his foot. Like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

"I'm not having any part of this. I'll be in the car."

He leaves, slamming the door.

"Mom, are you-"

Z is cut off by his mom hugging him, yet he doesn't feel uncomfortable this time.

"I'll be okay. I should be asking you."

He shrugs.

"I knew it would go like that."

"Well, I probably should go now. But Aaron, and... T?"

T nods.

"I support you. Both of you. Whatever you choose to do with your life, I support. It's what moms do."

"Thanks. Love you, mom."

"Thank you."

T goes to shake her hand, but is brought into a hug instead. He laughs, and Z watches them both with a smile.

"You're a good man, T."

Z's mom says smiling, and leaves the house.


Immediately after his parents drive off, Z throws himself down onto the couch.

"Did that actually just happen?"

He groans. T sits next to him.

"Yeah. How are you feeling?"

"I actually stood up to him this time. And you... You were awesome."

"I try."

T smiles, curling into Z's lap.

"I don't know how I ever survived without you, T."

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