Back To Your Heart 5

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Jesse pulls his jacket on, standing by the door. He checks his pockets for the seventh time, making sure again that he's not forgetting anything. He's more nervous about this than he'd like to admit.

Tae Young walks down the stairs, catching Jesse right as he reaches for the doorknob. The older sighs in relief.

"I thought you'd already left?"

Tae says.

"I'm just about to."

Jesse runs a hand through his hair. Tae suddenly wraps his arms around his torso, hugging him tightly. Jesse hugs him back, giving a light chuckle.

"I'm really happy for you."

Tae steps back from Jesse, smiling up at him.

"Thanks, kid. I'll let you know how it goes."

Jesse pats his friend on the shoulder before reaching for the door again.

"Oh, wait! I was gonna tell you that Justin invited me to go out somewhere with his friends soon."

Tae says, and Jesse's smile drops just slightly.

"Uh, okay. Bring T with you."

"Okay! Good luck, Jesse!"

Tae Young waves happily as Jesse leaves, and he closes the door for him. He thinks about going to find T and asking him, but immediately shakes that idea out of his head. It'd be safer to just text him.

Tae definitely made the right call, because T is in Z's room, doing something that Tae surely wouldn't want to walk in on. Obviously, he ignores the sounds his phone makes. Once they finish, T lies back down and tiredly pulls the cover over himself. Z notices T's phone again.

"Your phone keeps going off."

"Check it... I'm going to sleep."

Z picks up the phone, reading the text messages from Tae Young.

"Tae wants you to go somewhere with him and Justin."



T sighs, getting out of his very comfortable position. When he stands up, he winces.

"Did I go too hard on you or something?"

"I'm just a little sore. And besides, no such thing."

Z laughs, then stands up as well. The two of them make themselves presentable before they go downstairs.

"Hi, T! Did you see my messages?"

"Yep. Arcade?"

"Mhm. His friends are gonna be there too."

"Cool, so I won't be a third wheel!"

"Where's Jesse?"

Z asks, interrupting their conversation.

"He went out with Beck."

Tae replies. T nods his head, then his eyes go wide as he realizes.

"Oh! He's-"


T covers his mouth in excitement, and Tae giggles. Z just looks at them, still confused.

"Jesse's proposing to Beck today, Z!"

T explains. Z nods, smiling slightly.

"Oh, yeah. That's cool."

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