Out Of Sync 2

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since i'm sure a good few of you aren't fans of *NSYNC- (i'm not either honestly lol bsb for life. ily tho lance) i've included a picture of all the members above so you'll know who's who.

"Well, this is the spot."

Jesse says, pulling up into an empty parking lot.

"Where are they?"

Tae asks, looking out of the window.

"Well, they didn't show up, let's just go home!"

T says, buckling his seatbelt back up. Jesse rolls his eyes.

"T, we just got here. And they're probably inside."

Jesse steps outside of the car, opening the door for Tae Young. The group enters the building, which they find is actually an arcade. As they walk inside, Raya instantly spots them and waves them over to a table.

"Hi, guys!"

"Why are we at an arcade? How are we gonna work on music here?"

Z asked, his arms crossed in what seems like annoyance.

"Oh, you're not doing the actual music until tomorrow. This is for bonding! Have fun!"

Raya leaves, winking at someone at the table as she goes. Once she's gone, 4*Town is left to stand awkwardly in front of the table that the guys of *NSYNC are sitting at.

Both the groups just stare at each other, unsure of what to do, and really just unwilling to act. Jesse speaks first.

"Hi... guys. Uh, I'm Jesse."

There's a pause, and the rest of them start to introduce themselves as well.

"Welp, we're gonna go. Nice meeting you guys or whatever."

One of them starts to stand up from the table.

"Justin, that's rude. We didn't even introduce ourselves."

Justin sighs dramatically.

"Who cares, Lance? I have a hair appointment in less than an hour. How do you think I keep these curls shiny?"

He runs a hand over his hair. Lance shakes his head and gives an apologetic look.

"Sorry about him. Uh, this is Joey, Chris, JC, and I'm Lance."

"I'm Justin, but you all should know that. Me being somewhat of a role model."

Robaire laughs dryly at this.

"Role model? Please, we don't need to look up to someone who's hair looks like uncooked pasta."

T and Robaire both laugh, and Justin turns red just for a second.

"Shut it, eyebrow. You wouldn't-"

"Could we just play some games maybe? Instead of standing here insulting each other?"

Jesse suggests. Most of the guys agree, except for Justin and Robaire who are still silently judging each other. As the others wander around the arcade, Tae Young comes up to Robaire and takes his hand.

"Are you okay? You want to go play some games?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah."

"Would you like to join us, Justin?"


"Uh... Sure."

Tae drags an angry Robaire over to the skee ball machines, with Justin following behind.

Meanwhile, Jesse is by himself playing on a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pinball machine. JC comes up next to him and watches.

"Hey there. JC, was it?"

"Yeah. Havin' fun?"

"I'm no good at this game. I really only came over here 'cause I saw the turtles."

JC laughs, looking down at the machine.

"Look, man. All you gotta do is..."

Jesse steps aside as JC plays the game for him, scoring a lot more points than Jesse was.

"Huh! You're better than I thought."

JC turns his head at the sound of laughter, seeing two girls pointing and staring at Jesse.

"Hey, over there. I think they're into you."

Jesse looks up, and the girls are squealing to each other. He shrugs.

"I guess so."

"What, you don't wanna go over and talk to them?"


"Already got someone?"

"Uh, no. Well, it's complicated."

"I see..."

JC thinks about what Raya told him earlier. He didn't really want to be roped into her little plan to get her and Jesse together, but anything for a friend.


Raya pulls JC aside, speaking in a hushed tone.

"You promise you'll talk to Jesse for me?"


"Don't let him know I told you, and make sure-"

"Make sure it's 'like a friend thing'. I know, Ray."

Raya sighs.

"Okay, okay. I just really want this to work out. The collab, I mean! Although me and Jesse wouldn't... be so bad either..."

"You can count on me."


"Uh, wanna talk about it at all? I'm told I'm a great listener."

JC smiles at Jesse.

"Actually, I'd like that. Let's go sit down."

They head back to their table, sitting on opposite sides.

"So... I was with this girl, Beck, for like... a long time. Even had two kids with her, I thought we'd last. But, uh... something happened, and we're not together. And I can't tell if I still actually have feelings for her, or if I just miss being friends."

JC nods, taking in the information. He doesn't say anything, and Jesse immediately goes to apologize.

"Sorry, I just haven't been able to talk to someone about that in a while-"

"No, I get it! Have you maybe... Considered going for someone else? If you're so confused about this Beck girl, maybe it's time to change things up."

Jesse ponders for a second, shaking his head.

"No, I haven't. If I do ever decide that I'm ready for a relationship again, it'll be with her."

Cute, JC thinks.

"Hm. That's nice."

"Uh.. How about we find the others and play some more games, alright?"


a/n: i'm trying not to make this like 5 chapters and 948294 words, but i keep getting a bit carried away lol

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