Chateau 5

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"Come on, let me hold you, touch you-- f*ck!"

Tom yells after messing up the lyric, but everyone in the room is too hyped to care. They end the song early, and Tom walks across the stage to Mark. He says something to him that makes Mark gasp, eliciting confused murmurs from the audience.

Mark then steps up to the microphone and makes eye contact with T.

"Hey, you! In the blue cap down there!"

He says, and T's jaw drops. T looks between Z and Holly, asking, 'Is he talking to me? Is this really happening?'

"I think that's the guy from one of those boy bands!"

Tom says.

"O-Tow-- no, it's 4*Town! You're from 4*Town, right?"

Mark asks, and T is left speechless- he just nods quickly.

"That's so weird, man. Hey, you wanna come up here for a song?"

Mark continues, and T gasps. He looks at Z, who gives him an encouraging smile. As T is about to agree, he stops and looks over at Holly.

"Can my friend come up with me?"

T shouts to be heard over the chatter of the crowd. He points his thumb at Holly.

"Get your butts up here!"

Tom yells into the mic, and everyone bursts into screams again. Security helps T and Holly onto the stage, and the applause only gets more intense when people start to realize who just came up.

T waves at Z excitedly, and Holly runs over to Travis to hug him.

"Give it up for 4*Town!"

Mark shouts, throwing an arm around T's shoulders, making him blush. The band starts playing 'Always' again, since they messed it up so much last time. During the song, T and Holly are having the time of their lives- and the audience is loving it. It ends all too quickly, and the cheering hasn't stopped once.

T smiles, standing at the edge of the stage. Mark comes up to him again, handing him one of his bass picks from his mic stand. Behind them, Travis is signing a pair of sticks for Holly.

T is taken by surprise when Mark pulls him in and playfully kisses him on the cheek. T instantly places his hand on his cheek in excitement and disbelief. He makes eye contact with Z momentarily, blushing again and looking away.

He gives Mark one last hug before he and Holly are helped off of the stage and back into the crowd. When T finds Z again, he doesn't say anything to him at first.

"That was cool."

Z says, and T laughs a little nervously.

"Yeah! Look, I didn't know he was gonna-"

"It's fine. We can talk about it after the show."

"You're not mad, are you?"


Z says, just moments before the band starts their next song. T feels slightly uneasy at that, but soon forgets all about what just happened and enjoys the rest of the show.

Back at home, Tae Young is alone in his room. He's lying in bed, looking through a few magazines spread out in front of him. He has the radio playing, and is humming along to a Britney Spears song when he gets a call.


Tae turns down the radio as he answers his phone, not reading the caller ID.

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