☆ Clouds

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uring their trip to Colombia, T and Z had to go to extreme measures to get away from a fan mob. In the process, Z somehow managed to twist his ankle. It wasn't such a big deal to him, he could still walk, even if it was more of a chore. This injury was pretty minor, so much that Z didn't even pay it any attention as he and T continued to escape the 4*Townies. Turns out this wasn't the best idea; he ended up losing his balance and dislocating his knee. Now that they're home, Z has been sulking around for the past two days. He can't dance, he can't play basketball- he can't even walk

T obviously notices his boyfriend's sour mood, and wants to do something about it. One morning, he wakes up before Z. They're sleeping in T's room; Z insisted that he was fine to walk all the way to his own on the other end of the house, but T wasn't having it. 

As Z sleeps, T creeps out of bed, cautious as to not touch his injured leg. T goes to the kitchen, planning on making Z some breakfast to eat in bed. It's the least he can do.

"Morning, Jesse. Tae."

Jesse and Tae Young are already awake as usual, sharing a conversation about something that T couldn't care less about.

"Good morning."

"You forgot someone!"

Tae giggles, gesturing in front of him where a dove sits, eating from a bowl just like Jesse and Tae are.

"Hey Abby!"

T greets the bird, starting to pull ingredients from cabinets.

"How's Z?"

Jesse asks.

"Sleeping. I was gonna make him something."

"Sweet. Make sure you don't start a fire."

T rolls his eyes, continuing to prepare breakfast for Z and himself. He makes pancakes, the only food he trusts himself to make without messing up.

When T gets back to his room, he sees Z lying on his back, his face covered with his arm.

"Hey babe, made you something..."

T says, walking up to Z and putting the plate on the nightstand. Z looks up, then at the food, and smiles in a sort of 'thank you'.

Later, Z is on the couch watching TV. The brace on his leg is uncomfortable, stealing the little focus he had towards whatever he was watching. The past few days have been like this for him; he tries to do normal activities but all he can think about is his stupid messed up leg and this stupid brace. 

T strolls into the living room, smiling brightly.

"Hey Z!"

Z's mood lightens at the sound of his boyfriend's voice. He turns his head, seeing T already less than a foot away from him.

"Hey. What're you doing?"

T grabs Z's arm, hoisting it over his shoulders and pulling him up.

"We're going outside! You've been in here being so emo all day, I've had enough."

T says, grunting as he helps Z walk out of the room. He buckles slightly under the weight.

"You don't have to do that."

"Yes I do. You are being a total bummer."

Z sighs, allowing T to walk him out into the backyard. The sun hits his eyes immediately, causing him to squint in retaliation.

"Good, I'm outside. Now what?"

T just gives him an eye roll, leading him further out into the yard. Then, he pulls him down, laying in the grass. 

"I just wanted to hang out. Look at the clouds!"

He points up, and Z follows his gaze to the sky directly above them. Z is now laying down as well, his head next to T's. He opens his mouth to complain, but stops when he hears how excited his boyfriend sounds. Z lets out a sigh, angling his head so he can get a better look at T. He's smiling, pointing out different clouds that resemble other things. Z thinks he said something about a dog? He isn't really listening to him, but still hums in agreement whenever T asks if he sees the same thing. 

Z is almost caught off guard when T turns his head to him. T wasn't expecting to see Z already looking at him, causing him to blush a light red when their eyes meet, their faces being mere inches apart. Z laughs, quickly kissing the tip of T's nose, smiling when he scrunches his face.

"The, uh, clouds are pretty today, right?"

"I think you're much prettier."

T blushes darker, even as he thinks that Z just said the sappiest thing ever.  

"That... was so cheesy."

"Oh, you love it."

"Whatever, y' loser."

T says and looks away, his face growing almost embarrassingly red. Z laughs at him again before bringing a hand up to cup the side of his face. It's in sort of an awkward position; with them facing each other upside-down; but they don't mind at all. Z joins their lips together briefly, smiling when he breaks the kiss. They stay outside until the sun sets, 'watching the clouds' together.

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