Back To Your Heart 4

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"Thirty seconds 'til you're on air. Remember this is live. As usual, don't say anything questionable because we can't edit it out. I'll be right here the whole time. Justin, don't speak at all. You're not even here."

Raya says, taking a seat behind the camera. Once the 'on air' sign flashes, the interviewer jumps into action.

"What's up guys, this is Ash for MTV live, and I'm here with 4*Town!"

He speaks fast, gesturing toward the boys. His upbeat mood is genuine, unlike that of the band's. Tae is trying not to make eye contact with anyone other than the interviewer, but occasionally he'll catch Justin staring at him.

"So, we've been told that you guys are working on an album..."

Tae Young tries to listen to the questions, but he's distracted. Justin smiles at him from his spot behind the camera, which Robaire notices. He tries to ignore him, but it's hard when he's right there.

Jesse takes the lead on just about all of the questions, giving long and well thought out answers. T makes the occasional joke, laughing at himself every time. When Ash asks Tae Young a question, he almost misses it.

"Tae Young, you've been hanging out with Justin Timberlake a lot recently."

He says, as if Justin's not only a few feet away. Tae smiles and nods.

"I have. We've become pretty close, actually."

Tae answers, and Robaire rolls his eyes.

"That's awesome! Is there a possibility of a relationship there?"

"Uh, I don't know! We're just friends right now. But anything could happen."

Justin smiles behind the camera. Robaire stays expressionless- although he'd love to wipe the smile off of Justin's face. If they weren't currently being interviewed live for thousands to see, he would.

"Speaking of relationships, I know the Aarons have been going strong for a while. What about the rest of you? Robaire?"

"I'm actually single right now. Surprising, I know."

Robaire briefly glances at Tae Young.

"Well, that definitely is surprising...?"


Upon seeing Robaire look at Tae, Ash decides to just drop the subject and go on with the rest of the questions.

After the guys finish the interview, they're getting ready to leave the radio station. Justin finds Robaire by himself and goes over to him.

"Man, that was so sad! I almost felt bad for you there."

Justin puts a hand on Robaire's shoulder, laughing. Robaire is growing more annoyed than he already was.

"Whatever happened to you wanting to apologize to me? Remember that?"

"Yeah, I do... Too bad I changed my mind. You're not getting him back any time soon."

"You don't see anything wrong with what you're doing?"

"I never said that. Besides, this is just too much fun."

Robaire is about to respond, but he collects himself and looks away.

Meanwhile, Tae Young is talking with T and Raya.

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