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After weeks of spending time and going on dates with Tae Young, Robaire is ready to take their relationship a step further. He's standing in front of his bathroom mirror, repeating the question to himself.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

No, not like that.

"Tae Young, will you... date me?"

Robaire shakes his head, trying to think of better ways to ask Tae Young out. He comes to the conclusion that he doesn't want it to be this casual. He wants it to be as special as Tae is.

Of course, Robaire knows Tae pretty well. But he still goes to T for help- because who knows Tae Young better than his best friend? Robaire heads to T's room and knocks on the door.

"Uh, just a second... Come in!"

Robaire enters the room, seeing T sitting on the bed with Z close beside him.

"What's up, Robaire?"

T says, slightly out of breath, moving his hair from his face.

"I'm not interrupting anything, am I? Cause I can wait 'til later-"

"Nah, we were just... We weren't doing anything. What do you wanna talk about?"

"I need your help. It's about Tae."

"Ooh, what is it? Are you guys dating yet?"

Robaire laughs, crossing his arms.

"Actually, that's what I need help with."

T gasps.

"What? You, Robaire the professional romance man- need dating help?"

Robaire rolls his eyes.

"Yes. I wanna ask him out, but I don't know how I should do it. That's why I came to you."

"Why don't you just ask him normally? Just go up to him and be like, hey, wanna be my boyfriend?"

"Oh please. That's what you or Z did?"


"Not important. You understand why I can't do something so basic."

Robaire says, and T scoffs at him.

"Well sorry. You asked for my help."

"Yeah. I need a better idea than that."

"Hm. If only Avril Lavigne was coming to LA anytime soon, you could take him out to a show and get her to sing something to him. That would be cool, heh."

T says, laughing. Robaire sighs.

"That's not even..."

Then, Robaire's face lights up in realization.

"Wait, that's perfect! He'd love that!"

"Yeah, but I was just joking. Avril Lavigne already came to-"

"Thanks, T! I've got some planning to do, see you guys later!"

Robaire leaves before T can even respond. When he's gone, T just sits there confused.

"What do you think he's up to?"

He asks, and Z shrugs.

"Knowing Robaire, he's probably gonna do something way too extra and overwhelming for Tae."

T lightly swats Z's arm.

"Oh, hush. Don't be a hater, Z."

Almost a week later, Avril Lavigne announces a show in LA. Tae Young is obviously elated, telling everyone in the house at least twenty times each.

"Hey Robaire, how'd you manage to get her to play that show?"

T asks.

"Oh, you know. Just made a few calls, payed a few people. No big deal."

"Well, I hope your plan goes well! Tae is so excited."

They both look across the room at Tae, who's enthusiastically showing Jesse a magazine filled with interviews and pictures of Avril Lavigne.

"And I think she's dating this guy named Deryck, from one of the bands that T likes, but I could be wrong."

"That's nice, kid."

Jesse replies, not super interested in hearing Avril Lavigne's entire life story. Robaire comes over to them.

"Hey Tae."

"Hi! Avril is playing here in three days! Three!"

"I may have heard something about that..."

Robaire says, smirking as he pulls two pieces of paper from his pocket. Tae instantly gasps, a hand flying to his mouth.

"Oh my gosh, Robby! You didn't!"

Tae bounces up, squeezing Robaire in a tight hug.

"I did."

"I can't believe this! I've never been to an actual one of her shows before! Oh my, I need to pick my outfit! We only have 3 days!"

Robaire smiles at him.

"I'm pretty excited too, actually."

"Well, duh! It's Avril Lavigne, Robby! This will change our lives forever!"

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