Out Of Sync 4

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"So, those guys were nice, right?"

Tae Young smiles, lying his head on Robaire's chest. They're still outside, cuddled on a lawn chair with Jesse nearby.

"I guess."

"Justin was pretty cool... I did notice that you guys seemed a bit, um... I don't know. You didn't really get along?"

"We don't. And, he's not cool. He's just some... stuck up jerk."

Robaire rolls his eyes as he thinks of Justin. Jesse silently goes back inside, leaving the two alone.

"He wasn't that bad. You were pretty mean to him too, you know."

Robaire scoffs.

"Yeah right. He deserves every bit of that."

Tae Young sits up and looks at his boyfriend.

"Look, I don't know about your history with him, but... You didn't even try to get along, did you?"


"See, you guys could probably be friends if you tried! Try to be a little nicer to him?"

"Tae, why are you like this?"


"Such a good person."

Robaire laughs as he pulls Tae back down, kissing his forehead and his cheek. Tae giggles, cuddling back up to him.

"But I'm serious! Please, try not to go so hard on him. For me?"

Robaire sighs.

"Anything for you."

That night, Tae Young is in his room alone. Well, not alone- just without any people. He's laid on his bed, looking through a magazine, while singing along to the Avril Lavigne CD playing through his speaker.

He turns to the next page in the magazine, laughing as he sees the pictures of 4*Town next to other boy bands. Backstreet Boys, New Kids on the Block, and *NSYNC.

Tae giggles as he uses his gel pen to scribble tiny pink hearts around Robaire.

"Take me by the hand, take me somewhere new..."

He sings happily, smiling to himself before he hears a knock at his door.

"Come in!"

Robaire enters the room and sits on the bed.

"Hey, you."

Tae instantly blushes, closing his magazine and pushing it under his pillow. He quickly sits up with his legs crossed, getting an amused look from Robaire.

"Hi Robby!"

"What was that?"

"Nothing! What do you mean?"

Both of them laugh as Tae unsuccessfully tries to stop Robaire from reaching around and taking the magazine.

Robaire looks at the cover, chuckling softly.

"Really? You're reading Tiger Beat?"

"Give it back!"

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