Chateau 4

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A day later, 4*Town is visiting the venue for their album release party happening the following night. Decorations are still being set up as Raya shows the guys around.

"And over here is another exit, it leads right to the parking lot so if you guys ever need to-"

"Okay, this has been really cool and useful and all, but I kinda have somewhere to be right now!"

T interrupts Raya.

"Sorry about him."

Z apologizes for his boyfriend, wrapping an arm around T's waist and bringing him in closer; stopping T from his attempt to pull him outside.

"No problem. It's the blink concert, right?"

Raya asks.

"Yes, and doors open at seven thirty, and right now it's..."

T lifts Z's hand to look at his watch.

"It's seven ten, which gives us less than twenty minutes to get to the venue, get through the lines, and-"

"Hey, I get it! Go ahead."

Raya says. T gives an excited 'thank you' as he and Z leave for the show. In the car, T is talking the whole way there.

"Z, I don't think you understand..."

T starts, and Z turns down the radio a bit.

"They're my favorite band ever!"

T says, gushing to his boyfriend.

"T, I know. You've told me a million times."

Z says with a fond smile. He loved how passionate T was about everything, even if it's a bit much sometimes.

"But have I told you why they're my favorite band?"

T asks, already launching into a long explanation before Z could even answer.

"Um, I don't think so."

Z says, trying to keep up with T's words.

"...They have such a wide range, like, their lyrics are so unique and they can go from being serious and emotional to singing about..."

T keeps going on, until he looks at Z- noticing he hasn't actually responded in a while.

"Oh, uh... sorry. I was rambling again, huh?"

He apologizes, laughing sheepishly. Z looks at him for a second.

"You were."

"Sorry... Sorry. I'll stop."

"You don't have to."

"Well, you don't sound like you wanna hear it. You weren't really responding."

"No, it's not that. I just didn't want to interrupt you, I love hearing your voice."

Z says, and T is instantly flustered, blushing and looking away. Z laughs to himself.

"Okay. Well, I'll continue, I guess. I didn't even mention Mark yet, did I?"

Meanwhile, the rest of the band has finished their quick tour of the party's venue, and they're heading home for the day. When they get home, Jesse is already getting ready to head out again. Before he leaves, he finds Tae Young to talk to him.

"You gonna be okay? I'm heading to Beck's for a bit."

"I'm fine! Tell them all I said hi!"

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