☆ Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)

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T and Z are walking silently down the streets of LA. After their small date to the park, they decided to take the scenic route home.

They walk slowly, to enjoy their time completely alone together for as long as possible. It's dark out, and the street lights just barely illuminate the secluded path they walk on. Suddenly, T feels a raindrop fall onto his arm.


Z looks down at T, slowing his walking.

"I think it's about to rain."

Then, Z looks up, and immediately, a few drops fall onto his face. He laughs.

"We better hurry home, then."

Z says, but neither of them speed up. The few drops turn to a drizzle, then the rain starts getting heavier by the second.

"So much for hurrying home."

T giggles, swinging his hand with Z's. His hair is already wet, and water starts to seep through his shirt. They take a shortcut through a small basketball court, and T stops in his tracks.

"Hey, Z. This is like that one Backstreet Boys music video."

Z looks around at where they are and laughs, rolling his eyes.

"What was it... Quit playing games?"

"Haha! Yes!"

T lets go of Z's hand, running to splash in a puddle.

"And what are you doing?"

"Even in my heart, I see..."

T starts to dance goofily, going to pull Z over to the puddle.

"Oh no. You want me to sing, don't you?"

T just laughs and keeps singing.

"Sometimes I wish I could... turn back time... Come on, babe!"

"Impossible as it may seem."

Z sings quietly, and T squeals with happiness. They're both completely drenched at this point, but neither of them really pay any mind to it.

"But I wish I could, so bad, babyyyy..."

"Quit playing games with my heart!"

They both sing together, laughing, dancing, and splashing in the rain. Z spins T around, before pulling him back against him, swaying from side to side as they sing.

"Oh baby, baby, the love that we had was so strong, don't leave me hanging here forever!"

Z gives a quick kiss to T's neck before turning him back around, holding both of his hands. They try to finish the song, but just end up in a fit of laughter.

"Haha, I didn't even know you knew the words to that one!"

"Well, I am full of surprises."

T laughs as Z rests his forehead against his.

"That was corny."

"As if you didn't just initiate a Backstreet Boys singalong."

"Whatever, loser. You love me."

"That I do."

Z finally closes the space between them, and T smiles into the kiss.

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