Second Wind 2

196 6 13

"Justin... I really shouldn't be doing this right now."

Tae begins, but his words fall helpless against Justin's charms. Thanks to Justin, the two of them are led a good distance away from any of Tae's friends. They're lounging around a second bar at the party, hiding in plain sight.

Justin brings his hand up to caress Tae's cheek, a knowing smile playing on his lips.

"Let's not worry about that yet, alright? We can figure it out later."

Tae's heart sinks and he opens his eyes, trying one final time.


Justin leans in, silencing Tae with a kiss. Tae sighs, letting his eyes fall shut. He kisses Justin back, placing his hands on his shoulders. Justin smiles in light of his small victory, pulling Tae closer by his waist.

Meanwhile, T and Z are out on the dance floor. T's been jumping around wildly, while Z just kind of stands off to the side. T dances over to him, an expectant look in his eyes.


Z asks. T smiles, taking both of Z's hands and pulling him backwards. Z rolls his eyes, but easily complies.

"Why even show up to a party if you're not gonna dance?"

T shouts over the music.

"I am. In about ten minutes when we have to get on stage and perform."

Z says, and T just looks at him, amused.

"...Okay, fine."

T smiles, pulling Z close to him. He wraps his arms around Z's torso, and they hug for a long moment before T beckons him out onto the floor.

Walking past them is Jesse, with Beck still on his arm. T spots them and waves quickly. Jesse waves back, while Beck blows them a kiss.

"Aw, aren't they cute?"

Beck says, and Jesse laughs fondly in agreement. When he turns his head, he catches a glimpse of pink from the corner of his eye. He sees Justin following, and his expression immediately sours. Confused, Beck looks in the same direction.

"What are you looking at?"

"I just saw Tae with Justin. Weird, because I thought he was back with Robaire?"

Jesse says. Beck sighs, then looks up at him.

"We already talked about this, hon. If he says he knows what he's doing..."

"I know. Sorry. I just get so worried about him, you know."

Beck gently rubs Jesse's back, giving him a sympathetic smile.

"I know. And you're coming from a good place, but you should really just let him do his own thing."


Jesse clears his throat, quickly moving the conversation on.

"Well, I should probably start heading backstage now. You can come with if you want."

"That's okay, you go ahead."

Beck gives her fiance a quick kiss before he heads off to join the rest of his friends.

Backstage, the guys are preparing for their first performance of the night. However, two members are nowhere to be seen.

"Where are Z and T? Guys, we don't have time for this..."

Raya says, not making any effort to hide the frustration in her voice. Just as she starts to head out to look for them, T and Z come rushing in. Raya starts to say something to them, but is very quickly interrupted by T.

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