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Madison's point of view

I ran as fast as I could outside. I was totally embarrassed. Tears streaming down my cheek. I didn't hear Emma calling after me, I just kept on running.  I was fairly fast, because I had spent years running away from Tara and her friends. When they want to beat you, you learn how to run. Emma told me I should go out for track, and even the gym teacher kept trying to talk me into it, every morning to start off gym, we had to run laps, I was always the fastest, and got done first. But I could not see myself going out for track, running in front of people, I'd fall, I was clumsy, awkward, and I wanted to blend in and not have people look at me.

Emma was out of breath and yelling please stop you're going to kill me, I finally heard her and walked back to her, she bent over, gasping for air. I told her I was sorry that I didn't realize she left and followed me.  She said of course she would follow me.

I cried, and she hugged me. I told her I knew it was a bad idea. I just wanted to be home in my bed and read my book, and now I have humiliated and made a fool of myself in front of Tom Hanson, the Tom Hanson. She told me that it was not a big deal. I told her yeah it is. She told me to just forget about it.

She wanted to make it up to me, even though it was not her fault, it was my fault, I mean when she suggested we go, I knew there might be a chance Tom would be there, he usually was with Mike or Bradley. His other best friend. Or with Tara. The only good thing that Tara was not there to see or else she would have really made fun of me.

I got in Emma's car, and she said let's go to get ice cream, and go to her house, so we did. I stayed in the car, as she went in and got my favorite birthday cake ice cream with chocolate chips added in.

I sat there and relived the whole embarrassing thing. Tears came again as I relived it. I was just starting to take a drink of my lemonade, when I turned and staring intently at me was Tom Hanson. Tom Hanson. And not only was his hair wet, probably from just taking a shower, which his wet hair drove me crazy. HIs eyes pierced me, I mean to me, I guess because in my head he is the guy from my romance novels, it was like he was looking at just me, and in a way intimately, like we were the only 2 people in the room, yet I know he wasn't, but that is the way it looked to me. And I freaked out, the more he stared, not speaking, there was a slight smile on his face, and I just lost it, I mean I've always been a little clumsy, mostly when I'm nervous, and in a crowd,  But the fact he was staring, and then I worried that maybe Tara was in the bathroom, and she would come and find him looking at me, and I mean I was staring at him and thinking oh my God how am I looking at him, is that why he almost has a smirk on his face, can he read my thoughts, I mean he's the guy kissing me, showering me with kisses in the books I lose myself and escape to, he's the guy who is holding me in his arms, whispering in my ear, kissing me places, having sex with me. I knew I should not be having these thoughts; I mean he had a girlfriend, I was turning into my mom, going after other girls' men, and when I had that thought I was horrified and before I knew it my lemonade was down my blouse, down my pants, making it look like I wet my pants.

I burst out into tears recalling it. Emma got in and hugged me. She said "Maddie, I know you are humiliated, but I'm sure Tom didn't notice."  

I laughed and said "Yeah of course he noticed, so did Mike, and probably every other person in there. Now Tara will find out and want to start beating me up " 

Emma said, "well didn't Dennis teach you self-defense."  

I said, "yes and please don't remind me about Booker ok. I am already humiliated, and it just hurts to think of how I made a fool of myself with him"

We ate ice cream and then went to her house and watched a movie. She tried cheering me up.  My only thing that I thought was good about the whole thing, is this is summer, and I can just avoid Tom Hanson for the rest of the summer, and hopefully when school starts, it will be forgotten, but who am I kidding like he is going to forget that sight. I mean I know I won't.

I told her that she would be better off with a new friend, that I would understand if she wanted to not hang out with me anymore. That I was holding her back. She probably could have managed to get an invite to Mike's table, if I would not have been there. I'm so sorry. I cried.

She hugged me and told me not to talk like that. I was her best friend, the one person she could talk to about anything, tell her deepest fears to, her deepest secrets, I was not just her bestie, but like a sister to her. She said she is the one who should feel bad, and she does, because she added more pain to my life insisting, I go when I didn't want to. She apologized, and I told her to forget it, not her fault.

She said, "Well your man is sure hot though"

 I said, "he's Tara's man." Which is a sickening thing to say and say it out loud.  

She said, "yeah that makes me sick. How did that bitch get a guy like that"

 I said, "We know how."  

She said, "yeah gross" She said, "well the guy from your books is sure hot huh"

 I laughed and said, "yes especially with wet hair, I almost died, and especially having bad thoughts about him" 

She grinned.  She said, "Bad thoughts huh, spill" 

 I said, "no"

 She said, "Tell me"

 I said, "Emma I'm embarrassed as it is."  She said, "Come on it's just me bestie. I'll never tell." 

 I said, "well in some of my books they are tame, just kissing, but some of them are more, they have sex, and take showers together" 

She said, "I see."  She smirked. 

 I said, "Emma."  She said, "sorry bestie."  

I said, "I feel like a really bad person. Like I'm turning into my mom"

 She said, "That's your worst fear talking, you are nothing like your mom. You haven't even kissed a boy yet."

 I said, "Tom is taken." 

 She said, "And you haven't even spoken to the dude. There is nothing wrong with you putting his name and face on a guy in your book, to make it easier to read. I mean putting yourself in the book, makes you care about the characters and the book. Making your book come to life. There isn't anything wrong with that, and besides they are just dating, it's not like they are married."

 I said, "Still I feel guilty. I felt ashamed, and that is why I dropped my drink" 

She said, "You're too hard on yourself. You're 17. You're allowed to think a guy is hot. ok. Trust me you are not your mom. You know Tom has been with her for 2 years, and yet you know all the girls trying to hook up with him. Making it obvious what they want to do to him, and him do to them All you do is put his name and face on a character in your book., There's no harm in that, and it's your secret, no one knows that. Ease up on yourself girl."