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Tom said, "do you feel like reading or are you too tired" I said, 'It's up to you. I got a good nap."  Tom said, "yeah you did, and I had to do all the hard work" He smirked.  We were staring at each other.  I said, "I'm sorry Tommy. I hope you didn't hurt your back.  He said, "I'm teasing you" I said, 'Still, I'm sure that I'm the heaviest and fattest girl you've ever carried."  He stared at me.  He said, "no you're not. First, I've never carried a girl, just my sisters, and second you're not fat or heavy."  He smiled.  He said, 'you ready to read then" I said, "yes let me get my book."

Tom got in bed. Baylie pushed Tom with her feet, she had her head on my lap and was lying in between us.  Tom said, "I'm really hurt Baylie, before long I have a feeling I'm going to be pushed right onto the floor." I laughed.

I said, 'Tom can we talk" Tom said, 'Sure" Tom felt sick. Damn I bet she's figured out what I've been thinking, me and her, on my bed, actually having sex everywhere. I can't stop the thoughts from coming.

I said, '"I just wanted to make sure that you really do want to do this with me" Tom said, "do what" Tom thought oh wrong choice of words baby.

I said, "Read my book. I mean I don't know any guys, but I doubt any 18-year-old boys want to be reading a book out loud with a girl. So, if you're doing this just to not hurt my feelings, it's fine."  Tom said, 'Are you uncomfortable reading the book with me. I mean if you are, I could just read it to myself, but if you're not, then yeah I really want to."  I said, "Because of our deal right."  Tom said, "no not just because of the deal I mean I think it helps us as friends too. Sharing something with you that you love, like you come watch me bowl even though you don't like bowling. Besides this book is getting good, it's exciting the police and mob stuff." I said, 'yeah"  he said, "I guess it's silly but sometimes Maddie, I think about the future, and what kind a cop I'll be, if I can be on the force with my dad, if he will be proud of me, want to ride with me, help me, or will he want us in different precincts"  I said, "Why would he want that"  Tom said, "well maybe because it would be too personal. Like he might think he needs to try too hard and protect me."  I said, "yeah I can see that. I mean I think it'd be hard in one way, because he would not want to see anything happen at all, even a fight, but also think it would be good memories."  I said, "it's silly, I've been thinking about your mom, and really how hard it must be for her, you know being married to a cop."  Tom said, "yeah."

I said, "ok these next chapters are some of my favs" He said, 'Why is that" I said, "Because they are good scenes between Efe and Leyla."  He smiles and says "oh I see"

He said, "I can read first" I handed him the book.

 Efe goes to their house, he's going to watch every move her brother makes, he informs her brother that he will cooperate with him, and help him get this killer, her brother says no, and he says you don't have a choice, I'm the boss, you will do as I say. I will put aside my case on you, and work together with you, because I think that this guy must know you, since you are the only one who has lived, he didn't go in for the kill when you were down.

Efe is in his truck, outside their house, watching.  Leyla comes walking up, knocks on the window. He stares at her and then he rolls down the window. She asks him if he is going to sleep in his truck all night watching their house, and he says so did you see I was asleep and dreaming and you came to me.  he smiles at her.  Tom laughed.  he said, "Smooth words this Efe."  I said, "oh I know. Makes me melt" Tom laughed.  So, did I.

As Leyla tells him have a good watch, and starts to walk away, Efe stares at her, checking her out in his mirror, and then yells at her Efe.  She turns around and asks him what, and he says my name is Efe. She walks away as he watches her in the mirror.  I said, "oh my God Tom, I just love that."  Tom smiled. He said,"i can see that you're beaming" I laughed. So did he.