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I felt sick. I said, "oh well I know that it's a matter of time before Tom meets someone he wants to be with, and then we will end this deal, and at least I'll have the memories, but Emma, I really wish I had more memories, more kisses, he really sounded like he wanted to heavily kiss almost make out at our lockers. I really was hoping I could keep this going at least till school starts."

Emma is laughing.  I said, "I know I'm pathetic huh. And being ungrateful. I have the memories that I do, and the pictures, and that is enough right"

She said, 'Maddie, I'm not laughing at you" I said, "it's ok. You can. I just wish I wouldn't have called. Then I could keep thinking Tom is at home"

She laughed.  I looked at her.  She said, "I'm not laughing at you I promise."  I said, "it's ok"

She said, "I'm laughing at your man."  I said, "he's not my man, I wish you wouldn't tease me, he never will be."  She said, "he misses you."  I said, "No he doesn't. He's probably out having fun, and girls are trying to flirt with him."  She laughed. She said, "No he's missing you."  I said, "Emma. He's probably glad that he has time without me. Maybe we have spent too much time together.  I mean I don't really think when he thought of this deal, he thought we would have to live together. he didn't know about my mom"

Emma said, "Madison stop worrying. I am sure he misses you. Look" I looked to where she was pointing, Tom was sitting in the lobby on one of the sofas. Reading a magazine.  She laughed.  I said, "What is he doing here? How long do you think he's been here?"  She said, "I don't know. He wasn't here when we went to dinner, I'd say he is here because he is waiting for you to call. He misses you" I smiled.  I was so happy to see him. Relieved.  We headed over to him.

Before I could say hi to him, this old man, looked to be in his 80's had a walker by him, started talking to him.

He said, "this is a pretty nice hotel."  Tom said, "yes sir."  Tom put the magazine down.  The man said, "I'm in town to visit my granddaughter and her kids, they are coming to take me to dinner."  Tom said, "That's nice, I hope you have a good visit" The man said, "how long are you in town for?"  Tom said, "I live here."  He said, "Oh I see, you're a smart one" Tom said, "Excuse me" He said, "I never would have thought of that in my day" Tom scratched back of his head.  He said, "excuse me" The man said, "pretty clever, I mean instead of going clubbing and meeting a girl to hook up with, just save time and come to the hotel, wait down in the lobby for one to step out of the elevator, even better she's a visitor to the city, so no worries." We try not to laugh. Hide our faces on each other's arms.

Tom said, "oh no sir, I'm not here for that, my girlfriend is upstairs in a room" He said, "I see so you are going to wine and dine her then take her upstairs to hook up" Tom said, "No Madison no we are not going to hook up. My girlfriend is upstairs with her best friend. She is staying here; Madison came to visit her."    

The old man had a weird look on his face.  He said, "I see and that doesn't bother you son, boy how times have changed" Tom said, "No, why would it bother me. I told her I would pick her up when they were done" We laughed. I whispered to Emma; Tom doesn't understand what he's getting at."  She said no he doesn't. This is too funny. Sorry, I have to take a picture of Tom's face when he gets it."

The man said, "Well times sure are different, but I guess if you're ok with it" Tom said, "Why wouldn't I be ok with it."  He said, "Well, I guess to each their own. I mean I never would have wanted to share my girl, but I guess, at least she is you know it's a girl, maybe you don't feel as threatened."  We laugh.  Tom looks horrified, as he finally gets it, Tom said, "no oh my God, Madison is not doing that with Emma. What is wrong with you."  We laugh. This time loud enough for Tom to hear.  He turns.  He said, "Madison" He got up.  The look on his face was relief, like so happy to see me we were saving him.