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Emma and I stayed up talking. About Tom, Mike, everything. Tom finally fell asleep in the recliner in their living room with the tv on. It was 7 am. 

Emma said, "Since you are missing Tom, and you stayed here to have a girl night, I'll drive you to Tom's." 

I said, 'Do you mind?" 

She said, 'no not at all. I loved our girl night." 

I hugged her. I said, 'Me too. Thank you for listening to me and helping."

I rang the doorbell. His mom answered. She hugged me. I said, 'I hope it's ok I came back.

" She said, 'yes of course you are welcome here. Toms asleep. He had a long night, I think. He ended up sleeping in the recliner. He really missed you. but so did Molly and Mia and Baylie"

 I said, "I missed them too."

 She said, 'Could you do me a favor?"

I said, "Sure" She said, 'I need to go to the office, to do some last-minute work for a case that starts tomorrow, and my husband has left for his shift. Can you let Tom know when he wakes up, and if Molly needs anything before, he wakes up could you help her." 

I said, 'yes sure." She hugged me. She said, "Madison I'm so glad you came home. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, and for how badly Tara has treated you." 

I said, 'Thanks." 

She said, 'I know that this is fake dating, but your friendship is real, and my son really cares about you. He has told both me and his dad that." She left.

I sat on the couch. Molly came down the stairs. She said, "Maddie you're home" 

She ran and gave me a hug. Baylie was excited jumped on me about knocked me down. Tom woke up. 

He said, 'Madison you're home" He got up. I said, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you" 

He said, 'It's ok."

 He hugged me. His head went to my neck buried in my hair. 

He said, "I missed you."

 I said, 'I missed you too." 

He said, 'Did you have fun with Emma?" 

I said, "yes." 

He said, "you should have called me, I could have come and got you."

 I said 'That's ok. Emma dropped me off. Oh Tom, your mom said to tell you that she had to go to the office, and your dad is at work"

 He said, "ok"

I sat back down, Molly and Baylie both were on my lap. Tom smiled. He said, 'Molly what do you want for breakfast?"

 She said, "Can we go get donuts Tommy?"

 He said, "yeah as soon as Mia gets up. Why don't you go see if she's awake." 

She said, "ok" She ran up the stairs. Tom sat on the couch by me. He said, 'I'm so sorry about yesterday." 

I said, 'It's ok. It's not your fault."

 He said, 'I'm sorry I didn't give you space. I tried, but." 

I said, "It's fine. I wasn't mad at you. I was just embarrassed." 

Tom said, "Don't be." Mia came down. She hugged me. She said, "I'm so happy you are home."

Tom took us to get donuts. Then we went back home. Emma came over. Molly, Mia, Baylie, Emma, and I went to Tom's room, but kicked him out. He laughed and said that we were not fair but be that way.