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I went back into the guest room. Got in bed.  I was tossing and turning. Trying to get Tom's words out of his head. I mean I know he feels bad and he's realizing it with his sister coming of age, that what he was doing, is how guys are now doing to her.

Emma said, "is everything ok with Mia."  I said, "I feel so bad for her. She got hurt by her friend."  Emma said, "I'm sorry."  I said, 'she told me some things that scared me, her being invited to parties, and I told her my story. Hoping to scare her. And I knew that Tom needed to know, because if she ever went to a party, and that would happen, and I didn't tell to warn him, but I want her to trust me not betray her trust, so I told Tommy I thought she needed him, and was hoping that she would tell him, which she did.  He did good at being sweet to her, and not getting angry, but he feels like a hypocrite, so I was trying to make him feel better telling him he is a good brother. Which he is."  Emma said, "Right he is" I said, "But then he kept telling me how he was with girls, using them for sex, how some were easy asked him for it, and others were hard and he and to try and pretend he cared for them, to get them to sleep with him. I mean make them think he was wanting to be their boyfriend" She said, "I'm sorry, I'm sure it hurt to listen to it."  I said, "makes me sick honestly. And I mean I wanted so bad to believe that maybe Tom could really fall for me, like you think, but I don't think so, I mean he is good at pretending, really good at it, he fooled all these girls for years, he did it until Tara."  She said, "ok maybe you're right, I still think he is going to fall for you, and you will be with him forever." I said, 'I wish" She said, "Madison think about it, I mean he was telling you this, you must mean an awful lot to him."  I said, 'I know as friends. I think that is all we will ever be. And that hurts, but at same time, maybe it's for the best."  She said, "Why would you say that. You love him"

I said, "i do, but honestly let's face it. I could never please him you know."  She said, "Don't say that" I said, "Tara is right I have a sex hang up" She said, "Not wanting to be like your mom, and sleep with every man is not a hang-up, you just want to be with one man, the man who professes his love to you and you know it's forever., That's not a hang-up." I said, "Still Tom has been with so many girls, they know how to please him, I wouldn't. It'd be terrible for him" She said, "stop that, I disagree. I think those other girls were sex to him and he didn't care about them, but if he professes his love to you, and wants to marry you, spend forever with you, then that is love, and I'm sure that those other girls none of it could come close to what it will mean to Tom if you two make love. It will be more special, mean more to him, he won't be comparing you to them. So, you shouldn't worry about that, and please don't let that stop you from being with him, don't tell him no because of your fears. Talk to him about it. I'm sure he would tell you what I just did."

I said, "Emma, I am so out of my league with him."  She said, "no please don't think like that. If the time comes that Tom tells you he's in love, don't push him away and reject him because you don't think you're good enough for him. You will miss the love of your life. Don't punish yourself Madison. you deserve a guy like Tom."  Tom couldn't sleep tossing and turning. He wondered what Madison was thinking. He knew that sex was a topic she wasn't comfortable talking about, and he didn't want to upset her, but he knew that a lot of his ex's didn't have good things to say about him, because even though he didn't cheat, he tried to let them down easy, but he knew he had hurt them. He didn't really care if they said anything bad about him to Tara, but Madison is different. He thinks that it could ruin his chance to get her to fall for him.

Emma stayed with us for another day. Tom took us out to eat, Mia and Molly went too. Then we went and watched a baseball game.  Later that night when we were in the guest room in bed, Emma said, "I wish I could stay here with you, I dread tomorrow" She was moving with her mom into Frank's house. I couldn't believe it when she told me, I mean that is really soon, first to be dating, then to be living together.  Emma's mom asked Emma what she thought, but Emma wanted her mom to be happy, and so she told her it was ok. I mean he was a guy, and he was good to her mom. And her mom couldn't afford the hotel I had told Emma that she should tell her mom she wasn't ok and didn't want to move, but Emma said that her mom couldn't afford the hotel much longer, and her dad was refusing to pay. And her mom needed Frank, he made her feel beautiful, and needed, and cherished. She was happy with him.  She got ready to leave. She thanked Tom's mom for letting her stay, and she said any time, I know that Madison likes having you here.  I wondered if Tom's mom was wanting Emma to stay, so that I slept in guest room, and not with Tom.