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I woke up early. I got out of bed, without waking Tom.  I was sitting looking out the window.  Thinking.  This was the start of my senior year, normally had always dreaded school starting.  But this year, everything was different. Now I'm dreading school to be over. Because after graduation, the deal was over. I would lose Tom. he would go away to college, and even if I was able to go too, big if, still we would be in different circles, Tom would be busy with football, and new friends, school, parties. And let's face it, lots of girl's new girls that he hasn't seen before.

Tom woke up. He didn't feel Madison in his arms.  He sat up and saw her sitting there looking out the window.  He watched her a minute. He wondered I wonder what she's thinking. She seems lost in thought.

Tom got up. He said, "morning Rain" I turned and faced him.  I didn't think I could ever get over the sight of Tom first thing in the morning. His hair a little messed up, no shirt, his tanned chest, broad shoulders, he looked pure perfection, so hot, so sexy, made me weak just to look at him.  I blushed.  Dang it, I could feel my cheeks, and knew that Tom could tell. He was smiling.  Almost smirking.  Tom was thinking dang am I good at making her blush, all I said was morning.

He said, "you seem deep in thought you ok" I said, "yes, I'm fine. Just thinking" He sat on the edge of the bed.

He said, "You want to talk about it" I sat down by him. I said, "it's funny how much my life has changed this summer. I mean normally every year on this day, I would dread it, and make myself sick, throwing up worrying about school starting"

He said, "I'm sorry."  I said, "but now I'm actually excited for school to start. I mean also kind of nervous. I mean I don't want to mess things up for you, and embarrass you" Tom said, "Madison, you can't embarrass me ok. Don't worry" I said, "Tom, I'm a little nervous about um" He said, "making out in front of people" I said, 'yeah."  He said, "Don't be. I know you're going to be uncomfortable, with people staring at us, if you aren't wanting to do it, it's fine."

I think oh no, he doesn't want to.  Tom said, "Madison, it's up to you. I don't want to make you feel uneasy, but if you want to, I'm for sure ready. you just let me know ok" I smiled. He smiled back.

I said, "if you don't think I'll embarrass you."  He said, "not possible, and if you just close your eyes, let me dd the work ok. Maybe you won't even notice the people staring at us. And they will be busy anyway,"

Emma called.  I answered. I said, "Thank God Emma. I need your help" Tom laughed.  I said, "I have no idea what to wear. It's worse this year, I mean I need to try and look good."  Tom said, "Excuse me Maddie" I looked at him.  He said, "um how is that possible, you don't know what to wear" I said, "What" He said, "you and my sisters and Emma have been shopping since July. You have tons of new clothes."  He smiled.  I said, "I know, but I don't know maybe I bought the wrong thing" Tom said, "no you didn't. You look beautiful in anything Madison, don't worry about it, but please don't make us late on our first day. I can't be getting marks for being late ok. I'm a team captain, and I really don't want to hurt the team, by having detention. I really am taking this year serious."  I said, "I won't make you late." He said, "I'm going to take a shower" I said, "ok I'm headed to the guest room, to find something to wear."  I said, "Emma I need help tell me what outfit ok" She laughed.  She said, "I agree with Tom, you look good in anything, but ok"

Tom took a shower, got dressed, and then headed downstairs.  His mom made a big breakfast. Mia was still getting ready. Molly was ready and all excited. She was so happy that she was going to real school.  Tom said, "not fair Molly, you can't be 5, you can't be going to real school."  She laughed.  Tom said, "you know Molly, I have rules for you."  

I came downstairs, and into the kitchen.  I was watching Tom and Molly, so I just stood there.  He said, 'rule number 1, you have to dump this boy" She laughed.  She said, 'No Tommy" Tom said, "Molly, I say dump him" She laughed.