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I felt sick.  The girls were so excited I was coming home with them, and my coworkers told me to go on and go since they were able to get the kitten checked out. I felt like this was a dream. I mean part of it a good dream, and part of it a nightmare. Like am I really sitting in Tom's mom's car, on the way to Tom's house, to have lunch with him. I feel sick. How will I eat? What if I spill my food?  What if I get sick, since I feel sick?  don't want to hurt his mom's feelings and refuse food. She will think I don't like her food or cooking. How is this happening. I went step by step all that led me to this moment.

As we pulled up to the house, it was hard to breathe.  His home was beautiful. Two story, white, big front porch, a closed in patio in back, with a pool. Big front lawn, long winding driveway. Just like a home right out of a movie or a romance novel. I mean you could fit my tiny room, probably in just a closet or hallway.

I tried to get myself to calm down and breathe.

I got out of the car. Molly said, "Come on Maddie, I will show you my room, maybe we can have a tea party later, and Tommy always comes to my tea parties" 

 I said, "he does huh, that is really nice of him" 

 She said, "yes all I have to do is say please Tommy and he does it" 

 Margaret said, "yeah she's pretty much got him wrapped around her finger."  We all laughed.

Mia opened the door, I was going to let Tom's mom go in, but she said, "you go in first honey"

 I did.  Tom was just coming up the stairs. Oh my God he was even hotter. He had his shirt off and was in black boxers. He had a towel draped over his shoulder, his broad shoulders, oh my God, it should be illegal to look that hot. His abs so defined, he had a six pack, his body lean, and tan. This was a bad idea. I know that I'm staring, I can't help it. I've got to look away. So, I looked down. Tom quickly put his shirt on.

Tom had smiled. He said, "Hi Madison" 

I said, 'hi" 

Molly ran to Tom to give him a hug. He picked her up.  

She said, "Gross Tommy put me down you are all sweaty"

 He said, 'don't you love me all sweaty"

 I think I just died.  I hope I didn't let out a moan. My mind is going places it should not. Tom put her down. I thought I really need to stop putting him in my romance books.

She said, 'Tommy Maddie is going to play with me, she is going to play barbies"

 Mia said, "yes but she is also going to come in my room and hang out, we are going to play music and talk about cute boys" Tom smirked.

He looked at me he said, 'Mia you do realize she is going to be a senior, I don't think she thinks little pip squeak Jr high boys are cute" 

She said, "Shut up Tommy" 

He said, 'make me"

 Margaret said, "That's enough we have a guest, Girls come help me in the kitchen."  I started to go 

 She said, 'Maddie honey you stay and talk to Tom." 

Molly said, 'Tommy we have a new kitty are you happy" Tom smiled at her.

 Mia said, 'I hope Bailey likes her."  

Tom said, "Well Bailey loves all cats I mean on walks so I'm sure it will be fine" 

Tom's mom said, 'we will just need make sure we don't leave them alone, till the kitty gets a little older. Mia, you take her in the kitchen before Bailey comes". She did.