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I wake up everyday so happy, it's been such a relief to wake up and be excited and happy, and not dreading June coming.  I still can't believe that Tom Hanson is in love with me. That he wants to be my boyfriend for real.

This month is going to be so busy. We have been back for 2 weeks.  We have had Regionals, now we have a week to study for finals, then finals, then graduation, and then State.

I was so excited that I finally got offered a track scholarship for University of Florida.  Tom said he would go wherever I got, but I knew that his first choice was University of Florida.  Emma got a scholarship offer, so it is settled.  Emma and I are going to make our dream come true.  The dream I've had of us going to college, and getting a apartment.  I'm still worried that Tom is going to get to college, and see all of the new girls, and he will be so busy with football, and I mean he doesn't think so, but he maybe to busy for me, and want to break up. But I have him for now, and I'm not going to stress out over if I lose him at college.  I mean even though this is my first relationship, I know that most high school couples don't end up together.  The first weekend we were back we went on a road trip, with Tom's mom and sisters, and Emma, to pick out apartments, and tour the campus.  Emma and I found a tiny one but it was perfect.

Saturday and Sunday I worked all day at the vet's office.  The vet was doing a benefit program to help people who had pets but couldn't afford vet care, and so he was giving free appointments, vaccinations, small things.   I was asked to work at the beginning of the week, so I told Tom that I hoped it was ok, that he didn't have plans for us.  He said that was fine.

On Saturday morning I was getting ready to go to work.  I went in Tom's room to tell him goodbye.  He gave me a hug.  I said, "So what do you have planned for today?"  Tom said, "I'm going to stay home, I need to work on my car.  I'll be home all day. Have a good day."  Tom kissed me, then walked me to my car, and gave me another kiss and hug.

It was Wednesday, and I was at track practice.  The girls had finished.  Tom was in the locker room, taking a shower.   I was stretching on the grass by the track.  Waiting for Tom to come out.

Jay came up.  He said, "Hi Madison"  I said, "hi Jay."  He said, "Great practice today."  I said, "Thanks you too."  He sat down by me.  He said, "next couple of weeks are going to be so busy"  I said, "I know, so much to do, and not enough time."

Jay said, "I was surprised that I didn't see you Saturday at the mall"  I said, "I had to work this weekend."  He said, "oh that makes sense why you weren't there. I was just not expecting to see Tom and his sisters with Emma and not you."  I looked at him. Did I hear him right? Tom and Emma and the girls at the mall Saturday.  I went back in my head to Saturday morning, how I asked Tom what he was doing, and he said staying home.  Then that night he said he had a boring day at home but got in a good nap.  Why would he lie? I mean it's ok if he went to the mall with Emma and the girls, but why would he not tell me that or Emma.

Jay said, "Madison you did know that they went to the mall didn't you?"  I said, "yes I did."  He said, "you just seem upset. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."  I said, "Well you did upset me. I don't like you trying to cause trouble for me and Tom. I think of you as a friend."  He said, "I'm not trying to cause trouble."  I said, "Well I hear that you wish that Tom and I weren't together."  He said, "Who told you that?"  He looked a little upset.  I said, "doesn't matter who told me, is it true?"  He said, "Madison I want you to be happy. But yeah I really like you a lot. If you weren't with Hanson, I'd ask you out.  I wasn't trying to upset you or cause problems with your relationship. I just was at the mall, and I saw them at the food court, and I didn't see you then they got up and left. It surprised me is all. I'm sorry I said anything. Please Madison don't be mad at me. I want to be friends still."  I said, "I'm sorry, I just got a little upset. I thought you were trying to cause problems with me and Tommy."  He said, "I wasn't."  He had to go because some of the guys he was waiting on came up.