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It started raining as we left. It was getting chilly out.  Tom turned on the heater in the car.  He was back to not speaking. I thought maybe he is concentrating on driving. But it still seems his mood has changed. He didn't say much while we were eating. Except for talking about how good the dessert was. I really wish I had at least a little experience being around guys. I don't know if he's being moody and if it's normal just a guy thing or if I'm just reading things into it that is not there. 

Tom is thinking. Ok Hanson. You've got to get those dreams out of your head. Sitting at the bar next to her, I'm thankful we were side by side, and not facing her. But still, I can't get the image out of my head. That daydream was so real. What is happening to me. I've never had daydreams before. This girl is going to be the death of me. I just know it. She scares me so bad. I really wonder how she has no idea what she is doing to me. Driving me literally insane. She scares the hell out of me. Does she not realize this? But I've got to get my mind off her, off the daydream I had of us being married, of me getting her out of that hoodie. I would give anything to be married to her and be with her the rest of my life.  And that is what scares me even more. Me wanting to be married. Me wanting to be with one girl for the rest of my life. I never would have dreamed in a million years this could have happened to me. I'm still in shock and if I'm honest mad at myself for letting this happen. I'm too young for this. To be thinking of forever with her, but here I am. She's just so beautiful.

I was looking at him.  The heater felt so good. I don't know if it was my wet clothes, and the chilly weather, but Tom's heater felt wonderful. I closed my eyes and listened to the music. I guess it was so comfortable, I got so sleepy. All of a sudden, couldn't keep my eyes open.

Tom looks over at me.  He doesn't say anything. Doesn't realize I'm asleep.  He pulls in his drive. Gets out and comes around opens my door, but I don't get out.  He bends down and looks at me. sees I'm asleep.  Tom laughs. He said, "I guess that racing tired you out huh Rain". He stares at me. He thinks, damn just when I don't think she can get any more beautiful. She looks just like an angel.  He gently undid the seat belt and got it off me, then gently picked me up, putting my hands around his neck.  he carried me bridal style up the drive, and then took unlocked the door. He thought of course her hair wet is making the shampoo smell stronger. Not to mention, this is not the best way to forget that daydream you had of her in your room. Carrying her like this. He said, "hi Baylie. Maddie is asleep." 

Tom closed and locked the door.  I had my head on his shoulder.  He looked down at me. He said, "let's get her to bed Baylie" He walked up the stairs.  He undid the covers on the bed, and gently laid me down.  He stared at me for a few minutes.  Then covered me up. I would love to carry this girl to bed every night for the rest of my life.  Come on Baylie let's go for a walk. I need it actually no I need to pour ice cold water on me. Maybe take a bath in ice. Got to get rid of these thoughts. Tom and Baylie left.  Tom went for a walk with Baylie. Until he got cooled off.

I woke up.  I looked around and saw I was in Tom's room. I thought how'd I get here, why didn't I remember coming home.

Tom came in the room.  Baylie ran and got on the bed licking me.  I said, 'Hi Baylie"   I said, "hey Tommy" He said, 'hey" I said, 'how'd I get in your bed? I don't know why I don't remember coming home Freaking me out a little."  He said, 'Don't worry, you fell asleep in the car. I carried you upstairs."  I said, "oh I'm sorry Tom. You should have woken me up. I remember now. It felt so good in your car, I was so cold. I closed my eyes listening to the music" He said, "i didn't want to wake you. It's not a problem carrying you" I said, "Geez, I got carried up the stairs, by my favorite football star, and I missed it.  Tom smirked.  He said, "well I could carry you back down the stairs, and then carry you up, if you'd like" I smiled.  So did he.  No one said anything.  I thought is he flirting with me or just teasing me.  I mean I meant it as just joking around, did he think I was flirting.

I said, "Tom I'm going to go" He said,"ok" I left.  I came back in his room. I said, "hey Tommy" He said, "yes" I said, 'Do you think I could wear your Nike shorts tonight" I smiled.  He said, '"geez you sure like to wear my clothes Rain" I laughed.  I said, "Sorry" He laughed. He said, "not a problem. yes, you can wear them" I said, "Great thank you. I'm just going to sleep in your hoodie, but I wanted shorts of course."  He said, "yes" He handed them to me.  I left. He said, 'yes please put on shorts. oh, I'm not going to survive this year with her."

I went and called Emma. I was rambling talking fast. I was telling her he carried me to bed. She said, "oh my God" I told her how I fell asleep and woke up in bed. Then I don't know if he was flirting with me or not what do you think. She said carrying you to bed did he say something. I said, I don't know I was asleep.  She laughed.  She said, I think I missed something, what did you think he was flirting with you.  I laughed.   I told her what he said, and she said yes, he was definitely flirting with you. I said but do you think that he thought I was flirting with him. I was just kind of joking. I mean I wasn't because I was thinking to myself damn, I'm in his arms and he's carrying me and I missed it, and I said it out loud, so I tried to cover."  We talked and I took a hot bath.

Tom was petting Baylie. he said, "Baylie what am I going to do. this girl has me freaking out, thinking about marriage and forever. I'm only 18. How did this happen. And more importantly how do i stop from her finding out what I'm thinking. I have to do this slowly with her. If she knew how I felt, she would run fast. I'd scare her.

I was thinking dammit how could you be so stupid and not wake up when he was carrying you. I can't even believe it, I was in his arms, he was carrying me. I mean I wish i knew I wish I could remember, did I put my arms around his neck, did I put my head on his shoulders, where was his hands. I pictured it in my head.  My mind going straight to a fantasy, a dream I've had of him, after I've spent all night reading one of my books.  In my dreams, we are married, Tom is carrying me to bed. Kissing me, we make love.  I'm picturing it.  

Tom is in bed. Trying to get the images out of his head. The daydream seemed so real, taking that hoodie off of her, he wondered if that is what their marriage would be like, probably it would be, he is doing everything in his power to try and convince her to stay home not go out stay in bed, let him love her. Tom flashed back to how she looked in the car, beautiful, the moon light shining down on her face, making her stunning, how good she felt in his arms, how she kind of mumbled his name as he was carrying her, how her hair smelled, how he would do almost anything to be able to carry her to bed every night.

I came back to the room.  Tom looked up. He thinks damn pure perfection, her in my hoodie, and my shorts, thank God for those shorts being so big on her and coming down to her knees, trying to forget the hot fantasies he is having of her, is not easy to do, but would be downright impossible if she is only in a hoodie, no shorts, a hoodie that comes way down on her, but just the memory of that daydream of the hoodie coming off hitting the floor.

We stared at each other.  Tom said, "hey I'm going to take a shower if you're done in the bathroom" I said, "yeah I'm done."  I got in bed.  Tom left the room.  I thought he still seems moody. The way he is staring at me. I wish I knew what he is thinking.

Tom took a cold shower.  Tom came back.  His hair wet. Man, he is pure perfection. I wonder if he knows how hot he is. Especially when his hair is wet.  When his shirt is off, When his tanned shoulders and chest.

we stared at each other. I said, "Tom I'm so sorry. For falling asleep, making you carry me" He said, 'Don't be. It wasn't a problem. I guess that might teach you a lesson" I said, "What" He smiled.  he said, "Well if you weren't so dang fast, and raced me beating my ass, then you wouldn't have tired yourself out"  He laughed.  I did too.