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Margaret went upstairs. Knocked on his door. He didn't answer. She came in. He was lying on the bed. Staring at the ceiling. Her heart broke for him.

She said "Tommy" He said, "mom" He didn't look at her.

She said, "Madison told me what happened?" He said, "is she on the couch like I told her to stay" She said, "yes, she is, Baylie is making sure she doesn't move."

She said, "Tom, can we talk a minute" He nodded. He sat up. HIs mom pulled up his chair and sat on it.

She said, "I just wanted to see how you were doing" Tom said, 'did Madison tell you I flipped out on her in front of everyone" She said, "yes, and I can see why. I'm so sorry. I know that triggered you" He said, "I wasn't triggered. Maddie keeps saying that. I wish people would stop saying that." She said, "ok" He said, "I heard a gunshot, I saw her fall, that happened. It wasn't in my mind. I'm not crazy. I saw blood" She said, "you're right. All of that happened. I see why you thought she was shot because of what just happened with your dad." Tom said, "mom it has nothing to do with that." She said, "son, I love you, and I am struggling without your dad, and I know you are, and I know you are trying to be strong for me, and the girls, but I'm here for you, you don't have to be strong. I know how much Madison means to you, and I know it scared you. When I say you were triggered, I meant that because of what happened with your dad, you thought she was shot. Honey, no one else on the track thought she was shot, not ones close by or the ones far off, because they saw what happened. She fell when she started."

Tom cried. She said, "Can I hug you" He nodded. She hugged him.

He said, "ok I was triggered. Maybe I am crazy. But I heard the gun shot and she fell immediately, and I saw blood. I love her mom. I can't lose her. Something happened to her because of me today. She never would have been on that track, and she got hurt, because of me. Because I pushed her."

She said, "honey it's ok. I understand." She hugged him and let him cry. She cried too.

He pulled away. He said, "Thanks mom if you don't mind I want to be alone"

She said, "ok I'll leave you alone. But I do need to say some things to you. But it can wait"

Tom said, 'no go on."

She said, "honey I know how important she is to you, but she is ok. She fell, Yes she scraped up her knee, but that's all. And it was because of her shoe laces, which won't happen again"

Tom said, "if you are trying to tell me to let her do track and run Thursday, save it,. I can't take the chance of her getting hurt because of me. "

She said, "I understand, you are upset, and you are scared, and you are probably in shock. But Thomas, I'm sorry, but what you just said is wrong. You don't own her. She is her own person. You are not her boss. yes, you have helped her, you have given her the confidence to come out of her shell, the strength and courage to face people, and not hide, because you believe in her, and she now believes in herself, but she has helped you just as much as you have helped her." Tom said, "I know that. She's given me way more than what I've done for her. She's honestly the best thing to ever happen to me."

She said, "Thomas, I'm glad to hear you say that glad that you admit that. I hope someday that you realize that you and Madison would be a perfect real couple. But even if you were to become a real couple, you are not her boss, you can't make decisions for her, you can't order her to do something or not do something, you can't guilt her into doing something that you want her to do. If you do stuff like that honey, you don't have a healthy relationship, and I can pretty much say for certain, it will end with her in the future resenting you maybe even hating you. And I know you don't want that."