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It was Saturday morning, the day of our prom.  Mike brought Emma over Friday night, so that she could spend the night.  We kicked Tom and Mike out, and it was just us girls, with Mia and Molly also with us.

We ate breakfast, then Margaret took all us girls to the mall.  We shopped and then ate lunch and then went to the salon. Mia and Molly were so excited.  Margaret surprised them and made appointments for them to get their hair and nails done too. Even though they weren't going anywhere.

We had fun. Tom worked out, then was in his room, when we got home.

Emma had asked me that morning if I was still having bad vibes about tonight, and I told her yes, I can't shake it. Hopefully it is just my nerves.

I still couldn't believe the dress that I was going to be wearing.  Margaret had surprised me in March, and asked if I would go with her, and then she and the girls and Emma and I went to the mall, and she thought that I should get a new dress for the prom, even though I was planning on wearing the other one that I had got.  She explained that when she was in the mall the other day they had just got a bunch of new prom dresses and she saw one that she thought I would love. 

It was the most beautiful dress I ever saw.  It was so soft ,  strapless, and red.  Mia and Molly fell in love with it, so did I.  I tried it on, and they told me I definitely needed to get this dress and wear it instead.  

We got back from the mall and I went into Tom's room to tell him we were back. He said, "Madison, you're hair looks beautiful, but it always does"  He smiled.  I smiled and said, "Thanks Tommy."

Tom said, "hey Rain, just remember our reservations are at 5, so we really need to leave here by 4:15. It takes awhile for the pictures you know, so."  I said, "I know I'll try and not make us late."

Tom said, "you look beautiful as is."  He smiled.  Emma came in, she said, "Madison, I'm on the phone with Mike, is it ok if I get ready here, and then he pick me up here, and then we have to go take pictures at his house and then my mom's."  I said, "That's fine. Unless you'd rather get ready with your mom, is she going to be hurt?"  Emma said, "well she was kind of disappointed."  Tom said, "Emma, your mom is welcome to come over here, and help you if you want. I mean Madison is going to have a lot of help my sisters, my mom."  I said, "Emma, call your mom, I don't want to have her miss out, this is her only chance last prom,"  Emma said, "ok thanks Tom."

Tom said, "I am going to take a shower and then get ready. I'll see you later."  He kissed my forehead and was leaving.  I sensed that Tom was not that happy.  I mean he was smiling, but it wasn't that big of a smile.

I said, "Hanson" He stopped and turned.  I said, "Are you ok" Tom said, "yeah I'm sorry."  I said, "no its ok."  Tom said, "it's just I was lying here with Baylie thinking. This year all of the dances that I took you too, my dad made a point of coming home to be here to take pictures of us, well except the one they were out of town and Molly was sick."

I said, "Right I know, he was always here."  Tom said, "I miss him."  He tried not cry.  I said, "me too."  I hugged him.  He gave in and cried.

I said, "you had the best dad Tommy."  Tom said, "yes I did."  I said, "I mean to make a point when he is so busy to come home for all your dances and take pictures of you and your dates."  Tom said, "no he didn't, just the ones with you."  I said, "oh I thought" Tom said, "Madison the girls I took to dances, I mean I cared for them, but I wasn't they weren't really my girlfriend. And Tara she wasn't really welcome here."  I said, "yeah ."  Tom said, "you better go and get ready."

He left.  I went to my room.  Mia and Molly came in.  Emma went down to wait for her mom.  She was so happy we invited her.  They came up with Margaret, so we were all in my room. Margaret said she would make sure that Tom doesn't see if we want to go change in her room, and then they will come in."  So we did that.