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It was a quiet ride home, except for the music playing, and Molly singing to it.  Tom looked over at me as I was looking out the window, he thinks she is shivering.  Tom reached over and turned on the heater.  He said, 'this should help."  He took one hand and put it on my hand.  I smiled at him.  Tom was worried. 

He thinks, I hope you're not mad at me, because really, I had no right to force the issue with your mom.  I could have just been quiet. But I let my temper control me.  Her mom had made me so mad. I wanted that bitch away from her. But I mean I've only known Madison really since Saturday. 3 days, it seems like it's been a lot longer.  he thinks this girl is so easy for me to talk to, I don't have to pretend, can be myself, say whatever, and it feels safe. Like she isn't going to judge me.  But also, it's more than that. It's like she is interested in anything I say.  She listens. No matter what I'm talking about. Whether she is interested in the subject or not, she gives him her full attention.  Tara was never that way. Nor was Tara's friends.  You talked about her, or what she wanted. If he dared bring up a subject he was interested in, he would have made her mad, and then have a lecture about not paying attention to her. He could get used to being with Madison all the time.  

The silence is bothering him. He wished he knew what she was thinking. He tried putting himself in her shoes but couldn't imagine his mom ever acting that way.  For the first time, he knew how blessed he was with who his parents were. Not that they had successful careers, provided nice house, but just who they were as people.  

HIs father was like his hero. When he was a little boy, he worshipped him. Wanted to be like him.  He still wants to be like him. His dad has always made time for him, and for his sisters. Taking off work not to miss a school event, being the father who would give up a weekend to take Tom and the rest of his friends on a camping trip, or Boy Scouts. But yet also being the father who would take his little girl around the neighborhood, and his friends selling candy bars for a fund raiser, or Brownies, Girl Scouts campouts.

Both Mia's and Tom's friends loved Tom's dad.  He was that kind of dad. Always there, if you need to talk about a problem, offering advice, not talking down, would give you the shirt off his back.  His mom the same.  Kindhearted, as successful as his mom was, and as busy, she always made time for her family. His parents after all these years had date nights, every week, His mom made time for each kid, HIs mom took time also to volunteer, with places that touched her. It wasn't just donating her money; it was donating her time.  And some of the times, Tom and Mia joined her.  If it was important to her. Like his mom was big on domestic abuse. She had a case when she first started out, a woman who had repeatedly tried leaving her abusive husband, but he found her, and she had no place to go. He ended up killing her, leaving 3 babies without their mom.  From that day his mom decided she had to do something to help anyone who is a victim of abuse.  So she and her friends got together, donated, fund raised, and spent time and energy into building a safe house for women and children, where they can go stay and not be judged. 

Tom looked over at me.  I looked at him and smiled. Tom thinks that whatever it takes he is going to make sure Madison is safe and never a victim again. He just hopes that she will let him. He's never met a more stubborn girl, more independent. Like it's her way and that is that.

Tom said, 'Molly so did you have fun at Mikes" 

She said, 'yes, then proceeded to spend the rest of the car ride telling Tom all about it. I had to laugh as Molly was all wound up. Tom was teasing her saying they must have given her too much sugar.  

Molly said, 'Tommy can I stay up when we get home"

 He said, 'I don't know. Isn't it going to be your bedtime" 

He winked at me I laugh.  Molly said, "Madison will you please tell Tommy to let me stay up with you. Please."

  Tom said. "Now wait why are you going to Madison"