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I called Tom later on my break and told him that he didn't need to come get me, that Emma was just going to pick me up. Tom was acting a little pouty on the phone.  I had to laugh. He was saying he didn't mind, and wouldn't it save time if he picked me up then took me over after dinner, and I was saying no it would save time if Emma does, because I'm going to eat with Emma, and if I wait to go over till after dinner then it will just make it later when I get home, and we won't be able to read.  He said ok, I guess I won't see you till I pick you up. So are you sure you aren't going to fall asleep. I told him, I was sure.

Emma picked me up. I got in the car. She said, "I'm shocked that your man didn't show up trying to change your mind" We laughed.  I said, 'Emma he sounded like he was pouting on the phone. I wish I could have seen his face."  She laughed.  She said, "Do you want to just eat at the hotel restaurant."  I said, 'Sounds good. I'm so looking forward to hanging out with you. I've missed you."  She said, "Same, but we both know that you can't hang out with me, when you have a hot man to hang out with."  We laughed.  

We went up to their room.  Her mom gave me a hug and asked how I was doing. Emma told her mom that she managed to steal me away from Tom for the night. Her mom laughed. Her mom told me she was happy for me.  There was a knock on the door, and then the door opened.  It was Frank. He went to Emma's church, and had been a close family friend, was one of her dad's best friends, so I know him and his daughter well. They have been included in all of Emma's birthday parties, and family events that I have been invited to, plus once a week the two families got together for dinner.

Frank said, "hi girls."  We said hi.  Her mom was in the bathroom. Frank said, "Madison Emma tells me you have a new boyfriend."  I said, 'yes Frank" I was uncomfortable, mainly because I hate lying to everyone I know, they will be really hurt if they were to find out we are just friends.  He said, 'Tom Hanson I'm a big fan of his. He's a great QB."  I said, 'yes, he is. He is actually good at everything."  Emma said, "yes do tell Maddie" I blushed.  She laughed.  I said, "Emma I meant sports, he's great bowler."  Frank said, "Yes Emma told me she was going every Thursday with you to watch him bowl. I bowl on Wednesday's. May have to come some Thursday check him out" I said, "Sounds good" I was shocked when Emma's mom came out and Frank kissed her. And when I say kissed, I don't mean just a kiss on the cheek between friends, my mouth dropped open as I stared in shock.  What is this, I think. Am I seeing things. I mean he's married. Emma grabbed my hand.  She said, "See you guys have fun on your date we are going to go downstairs and eat" We hurried out.

She said, 'Madison I'm so sorry I didn't have a chance to tell you. That was one of the things that I was going to tell you tonight" I said, "Wow so they are" She said, "yes" I said, 'um so is this a secret or does his wife know" She said, "his wife knows, I guess his wife and him are getting a divorce."  I said, 'Um because of this or" She said, "no I guess their marriage has been in name only for the last couple years, and both were really unhappy but staying together for their daughter, but then when my mom and dad split, he decided he wanted be with her, so" I said, '. I'm sorry I just don't know what to say. How are you doing with this?"  She said, "not good. I didn't know what to say either. I mean he started coming to visit here, and I didn't think anything about it too much, since he was a friend, till I walked in on them."  I said, "oh no Emma."  She said, 'yeah that made me sick. They thought I had to work late, I ended up not having to work the last shift."  I said, "Emma why didn't you call me."  She said, 'I did call you, but honestly Madison, I couldn't bring myself to tell you, you know say the actual words, I'm still sick about what I saw, and honestly, I like hearing about you and Tom. It cheers me up. So, I didn't mention it. I'm sorry. I was going to tell you tonight" I said, "it's ok. I'm sorry I feel like I've been a terrible friend to you."  She said, "no you haven't. You need to stay at Tom's, and you have one year to get that man to fall in love with you."  I said, "Emma that is impossible."  She said, "I don't think it is impossible. I think he is already falling.  Look how he freaked out when he thought you weren't coming home" I laughed.