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It is one week before Christmas.  Tom was talking to Mike on the way home from basketball practice.  I had Tom's car and had to work.  Tom was quiet. Mike said, 'I'm guessing you are thinking about Madison" Tom smiled.  Nodded.  Mike said, "Why the serious look. Things are going good with you two right."  Tom said, "they are perfect actually. I don't think we've ever been closer. I mean that trip was incredible. Just being there with her, sharing it."  Mike said, "what's wrong" Tom said, "I don't want to mess things up, things are so good, but I told myself that I was going to tell Madison how I feel, when we got home. I just am afraid that if I tell her she will feel uncomfortable around me I'm also worried about how I will react if she doesn't feel the same. I have to be honest there is a good chance she won't. I will be devastated, but I don't want to hurt her. I need to be able to handle it, no matter what she says."  Mike said, "Why do you think there is a good chance that" Tom said, "I've been with too many girls. I was with her enemy a girl who terrorized her. What if she can't get past that. I mean she deserves the best guy."  Mike said, "no, she deserves to be treated the best, and you do that for her. Watching you, I can't even believe that this is you. I mean how romantic you've become. How sweet to her. I've never seen you like this."  Tom smiled.  Mike said, "I think as long as you treat her good, and you are done with other girls and hookups, I don't see why she would say no."  Tom decided he was going to tell me on Saturday.  With any luck, Tom tells Mike, that we would be celebrating our first Christmas together, as a real couple and not a pretend one.

It was Thursday night. We were doing homework in his room, when my phone rang.  I said, 'That's weird I don't recognize the number."  Tom said, "you want me to answer it."  I said, 'yes please."  Tom said, "hello."  It was a guy on the other end. He said, "I'm sorry, I might have the wrong number. I was trying to reach Madison Brady" Tom said, "who is this."  He said, "A friend of hers."  Tom said, "Do you have a name."  He said, "so is this Madison's phone" Tom said, 'yes, and I'm her boyfriend, so who are you."  The guy laughed.  He said, "boyfriend I see."  Tom was getting mad.   I was looking at Tom.  I could tell he was getting mad.

The guy said, "I'm Dennis."  Tom looked at me.  He said, "Maddie's not here right now I'll let her know you called."  Dennis said, "She's not there, but yet you have her phone."  Tom said, "yeah she's not in our room right now."  Dennis said, "your room huh, so you guys live together."  Tom said, "She lives with me and my parents. I'll let her know you called."  Tom hung up.

I said, "Who was it" He looked at me.  He said, "We should go downstairs it's probably time for dinner."  I said, "Ok but who was it."  Tom turned to leave.  He said, "Dennis."  I said, "what Dennis. I lost his number. I need to call him back; wait why did you lie to him and tell him that I wasn't here."  Tom gave me a look.  He said, "Because it's almost time for dinner."  I said, "ok, but I need to call him back. I wonder what he wants." Tom said, "I'm sure I know what he wants. "I said, "What" He said, "nothing" I said, "Tom, I should call him back."  He said, 'Can't it wait until after dinner."  I said, "ok"

We go downstairs.  Tom's mom said, "kids' dinner won't be ready for about 30 more minutes."  Tom rolled his eyes. He said, "just great." I looked at him. His mom said.  "I'm sorry. I know you're probably starving" Tom said, "it's fine mom" I said, "i have time to call Dennis then."  I went back upstairs.  Tom said, "you want me to stay down here or" I said, "no it's ok."  He followed me.

I said, "Tom, do you not want me to call Dennis or what's wrong."  He said, "Do what you want."  He went to his desk, and back to his homework, with his back to me.  I said, "Tom" He said, "What."  He didn't look up.  I said, "what's wrong."  He said, "nothing. I'm trying to do my homework Maddie."  I said, 'ok I'm sorry. It's just you lied to Dennis and said I wasn't here, and then you made that remark to your mom about dinner not being ready" He said, "I'm hungry. I had a long practice, and then I ran with you." I said, "then you aren't upset if I call Dennis back."  I looked at him.  Tom said, "no why would I care Maddie."  I said, "i don't know, you just seem mad."  Tom rolled his eyes.  He said, "you are my fake girlfriend, not my real one why would I be mad. Just remember that we have a deal."  I said, 'I'm aware of our deal Tom."  He said, "Good. I will be back." He got up, walked past me and left.