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Tom's point of view

Sitting there eating lunch. All I can think. What is up with Madison? Is it me? Did I do something else wrong? Her mood seems to have changed. Maybe I'm just thinking too much about it. I mean she just revealed that she was almost set on fire by my ex-girlfriend, how could I be so stupid. Why would I have ever been with Tara in the first place? Why didn't I listen to my mom? She tried to tell me that she wasn't a good person. My dad tried to tell me, that you can't just go by outside looks

She's definitely upset now. I mean maybe it's because she revealed something personal, that she doesn't tell people. Why did I ask her?  God, I wish I hadn't.  It makes me sick, picturing her scared, terrified, being hurt, begging for her life? How could they be so cruel, so evil to do that to a sweet girl like Madison. What do I do with this information. I mean I need to do something. They committed a crime. Well like I didn't turn them in, but this is different, this was violent, this was assault, Maddie could have been killed. Do I tell my dad? If I tell my dad, will Madison be upset with me? Tara should pay for what she did to her. But isn't it Madison's choice? I mean she was the victim, it happened to her.

God why is she looking like that? What is she thinking? Her eyes aren't lit up. She's sad, upset. Maybe this isn't a good time to ask her to help me? I mean maybe it will never be a good time. Maybe I am making a huge mistake? Maybe she would be offended if I ask her, I mean maybe she hates me? I wouldn't blame her. I dated and slept with the girl who terrorized her and assaulted her. I didn't know. And she said that it stopped after I dated Tara, but still, maybe that's not good enough for her to even want to be my friend, let alone be my fake girlfriend?

I have tried to make eye contact with her, but she won't look at me. And this time I don't think it's because she is shy. She is shy, but I was still able to get her to talk to me a little, and she revealed. Why is her eating getting to me? Damn she smells good too. Since when do I notice a girl's smell. What kind of shampoo does she use? It's nice. Why am I thinking about her hair. Her hair is longer than I thought. She has it down. I like it down, but I like it up too. Just looks longer. Why am I thinking about her hair. What is wrong with me.

Tom's mom was asking me about my job. Whether I want to continue working maybe be a vet tech or a vet, was I going to go to college. I told her that I hoped I could get a scholarship, otherwise, college was not an option. I have no money, except what I am making, and I need to save that to get me a place when I turn 18 and get away from my mom. She asked if I got along with my parents. I said it's just my mom and me. My dad left. And no, I don't really have a good relationship with my mom. 

I thanked his mom for the lovely meal. I asked if I needed to pay, she said no of course not. I asked if I could do the dishes and clean up. She said no. She said Mia and Tommy would do that. Molly asked if I would go back and finish her barbies and her baby's hair. So, we did that.

Tom came upstairs.  He said, "hey Madison can we"

 Mia came in, 

She said, 'I'm going with mom to get some supplies for the kitty."  I said bye to her.  She left.

Tom said, "Madison"

 Molly said, "Tommy it's time to paint my nails and my toenails" he smiled at her. She gave him a pleading look. She was so adorable and so cute and sweet. How could he say no to that. It hurt my heart that someone could be mean to her, scare her, hurt her.

Tom said, "ok "

 He got the nail polish, pink, that was on Mia's dresser.

 Molly said, 'Maddie do you want Tommy to pain your toenails too?" 

 I laughed and said, "no thanks"

 Tom said, "I'm pretty good at it."  

Molly said, "he is the best."