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I went over Sunday morning to see Emma. To take her to breakfast.  I wanted to hear all about the dance, in person. She had texted and called me Saturday, but I wanted to see her face as she talked about it. 

I told her I was so happy for her. I'm glad she had a wonderful time. She told me while it was wonderful, she was sad because I wasn't there. She knew how much I was looking forward to being there with Tom.

I told her all that mattered was Molly is better. At least I have the homecoming dance. It just hurts that Tara got to go to all 8 dances with Tom, and other girls have gone to dances with Tom, but I have to face the fact that this is just a sign to me that Tom and I won't end up together. She told me she didn't think that. I told her that things happen when we try and go to a dance.

Tom's mom was reading the paper while Tom's dad was watching tv.  She said, 'oh honey."  He said, "What" She said, "this is wonderful. I have an idea on how to make it up to Madison and Tom for them missing the dance."  He said, "let's hear it."  She said, "our opera is going to be close by in a week."  He said, "and let me guess you want me to take you, even though we just saw it."  She laughed. So did he.  He said, "I'm teasing you; I'll get the tickets."

She said, "I was thinking we should take Tom and Maddie."  Thomas said, 'um honey, I'm not sure about that. I know that Tom is not going to like the opera, and didn't Madison say that she doesn't like it either."  She said, 'I know, but I thought that I would never either, and when I was telling Madison about the love story, she said it sounded so romantic.  You know how badly I want Tom and Maddie to be together for real. She is perfect for him."  Thomas said, "I agree."  She said, "I don't know that Tom has realized it yet, but I still I would love to give her a romantic night. She has had no life, no dances, no dates, and two times now our daughters have kept her from getting to go to a dance, she is running out of chances, all that is left is the prom, and I know she will never say it, but I know she had to have been heartbroken to miss the dance, she was so excited picking out her dress, and I even saw her trying it on a couple of times, in the guest room."

He said, 'ok dear, but you'd better run this by your son."  She said, 'would you want to" Tom had come into the room, he said, 'Run what by me"  

Thomas said, 'Son, your mom would like to make up to Madison and you about missing the dance"  

She said, "I know Maddie won't ever say it, but I am sure she was so disappointed, and I feel so bad about it. If we would have been here."  Tom said, 'yeah, she will never say it, but she is disappointed. I can tell. I want to make it up to her."

She nudged her husband's arm.  He laughed.  He said, 'Ok, Thomas, your mom has an idea, and I am thinking you won't like it, but it would mean a lot to your mom if you would consider it."

Tom looked at his mom.  She said, 'I know that neither of you kids like the opera."  Tom said, 'yeah no mom, no offense, but we don't"

She said, "But I just saw in the paper that our favorite opera is going to be about 2-hour drive away next week, and they have tickets still available,"

Tom smiled.  He said, "yes mom, Maddie and I will be happy to babysit Molly for you guys."

He started to leave to go upstairs.

Thomas said, "Son, wait a minute."  He turned and came back.  

He said, '"you don't understand. Your mom wants to buy 4 tickets and have you and Madison join us."

Tom looked at his mom, then his dad.

His mom said, 'Thomas, before you say no, I know that neither of you like the opera, and I never thought I would, but when I was telling Madison about it, and about the story behind the opera"  Tom said, "Madison cried and said it sounded romantic"  She said, "yes, and I promise you, if she hates it, we can get up and go, but I'd like to take you kids to dinner at a fancy restaurant, and then to the opera,  and give it 20 minutes, if she wants to leave it's fine."