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The next month was a struggle.  Everyone was hurting.  Tom and I tried to be there for Mia and Molly as much as we could.  Tom had asked me the day after the funeral for help, he wanted to know what to do for the girls.  I told him all I thought they needed was to know he was there for them. That just like us not needing to talk, or do anything, but sit, the girls were the same. I didn't think that they would feel like going places, to the mall or ice cream.  The week after the funeral Tom had asked Molly and Mia and I if we wanted to go get ice cream, but Molly said no and ran upstairs crying.  Tom looked at me. He said, "I should have listened to you I made it worse."  I said, 'Let's go see her."  I took his hand.  We went upstairs. She sat on Tom's lap.  He asked her if she wanted him to paint her nails.  She nodded.  So, he did that for her.

Then she sat on his lap. Tom was quiet himself. He apologized to me, about not taking me out or anywhere, and not really talking, but said he just didn't feel like talking. All he could barely do was find the strength to go to school, practice, come home and be there for his mom, and sisters. I told him I understood, and it was fine, I didn't feel like doing anything or going anywhere.  School, and work about drained me.  Emma would come over and just sit and we would talk.  

The first month Molly wanted to still stay in with Tom. Tom's mom let me stay in there.  But then when Molly started sleeping in her own bed, I had to go back to my room. Margaret told Molly that she needed to start staying in her room. Tom told his mom he didn't mind. But she told me that she thought it was for the best, otherwise it was going to be too hard on Molly when Tommy left for college.

By mid-March things were a little better.  One night after dinner, Tom and I were in my room doing homework.  We had just finished.  Mia had come in.  She said, "Madison" I said "hey Mia."  She said, "I was wanting to know if I could talk to you."  I said, "Sure" She looked at Tom.  She said, 'Tom do you mind, if it's alone" He said, "no it's fine. I'm going to go downstairs and work out."  He kissed her head and left.

She said, "I'm sorry."  I said, "no don't be.  Sit down" We sat on my bed. I said, "What's up."  She said, "I wanted to ask you your opinion" I said, "ok" She said, "Maddie, do you think I'm being bad or is it wrong, if I want to go get out of the house, like to go to the mall, or out to eat, or even just for a ride."  She looked down.  I said, "Mia, baby no. Of course not."  She said, "I feel like I'm being a bad daughter. I mean I miss my dad every minute, but I just hate coming home after school, and not going anywhere. it's like this house is so sad now, So quiet. Mom stays at work, then dinner and breakfast, no one talks. And dad's chair is empty. We all just stare at it."  She cried.  I hugged her.  I said, "I know Mia. I feel the same. I dread coming home sometimes."  She said, "is it wrong for me to want to go to the mall."  I said, "no honey it's not. Your dad loved you so much, all of you, and he would not want you to stop having fun, stop living your life, stop smiling or laughing, or going places that you love to go. I think it would make your dad very sad to know that you three don't do anything but sit at home."  She said, 'Will you ask Tommy to take us to the mall maybe Saturday" I said, "yes I will ask him sweetie."  She said, 'Thank you. I love you, Maddie."  I said, "I love you too."  I hugged her.  I said, "I'll go talk to your brother right now."  She went to her room.

I went downstairs.  Watched Tom.  He said, "hey" I said, "hey."  He said, "Is Mia ok" I said, "yes, she broke my heart."  Tom said, "oh no what."  We sat down on the bench.  I said, "she asked me if I thought she was being a bad daughter. By wanting to get out of the house, going for a ride, going to the mall, or out to eat. I told her no and that I thought your dad would want her want all of you to go on with your life, and do the things that make you happy, make you smile."  I said, 'Tommy, she said that she hates coming home from school, the house isn't the same without your dad, it's so quiet, and his empty chair, we all just eat and stare at it. Your mom is throwing herself in her work. And to be honest I feel the safe.  I dread coming home sometimes. I mean dinner and breakfast used to be my favorite moments well one of my favorite moments living here, because your family, there was so much joy, and happiness, laughter, excitement, and now there is this silence, no smiles, no jokes, no talking, and your dad's chair."  Tom said, "I feel the same Madison. I hate it. I dread mealtimes now."