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Rex walked Emma to the car and asked her if he could get a second date or did, he ruin it with his behavior and who his cousin was.  She said she didn't know. It depended. Rex said, "I'm embarrassed by my behavior."  She said, "I understand you have concerns, and I get why you don't like Tom. but he's been really good and sweet to Madison, and she loves him, and I am not going to let you try and cause them problems. Or disrespect him. You don't have to like him nor be around him, but you must respect their relationship" He said, "I can do that. I hope that he has changed, and that he is sincere." She said, "he is".  

 She said, "I'd like a second date, I like you, I'm not ready to be in a relationship, or hookup. I won't do that to you, or any guy, use a guy to get over another guy" He said, "So Mike is the guy huh" She said, "What how did you know" He said, "The pain in your eyes when you saw Jill with him."  She said, "Please don't tell him. I've known him all my life from church, and camp, and I would die if he knew."  Rex said, "i won't, it's his loss, and I won't rush you. I'd like to see you again"

 She said, "I can overlook Tara being your cousin, I will respect that and not trash her to you, but I can't be around her, and this all depends on if Madison is ok with me dating you."  Her said, "i see. Well, I'm prepared then for your answer to be no. I don't think she likes me at all, since I don't like her boyfriend."  Emma said, "well you can't blame her on that. But you are Tara's cousin, Tara has tormented her, attacked her, bullied her, like Tom said set her on fire, for years, it only stopped 2 years ago, when she started dating Tom, and his mom is a DA. Tara's latest stunt was to have Madison attacked by some college guy. If Madison doesn't want me with you, then I'm sorry, she's like my sister, and she comes first."  he said, "I understand, I apologize for what Tara has done. Just call me and let me know.

Tom and I were in the car, waiting for them to say good night. 

Tom said, "Oh Rain, I need to talk to you, I need your help" I said, "ok what can I do" He said, "Talk to Mia for me. I know how much she loves you. I think she will listen better if it's you, then me, I mean I'm not her dad." I said, "ok so is this about boys" Tom said, "yeah I was talking to my dad today, about one of his cases, a 14 yr old girl raped on her first date, she wasn't even allowed to date, she snuck out, lied to her parents, said she was at a friend's. It scared my dad you know he's got 2 girls, but it scared me, because of Mia, and the fact she tried to sneak out. Madison if some guy did that to Mia, I'd kill him. The no-good dirt bag, tried saying that the girl wanted the sex."

 I said, 'oh Tommy, I feel so bad for this girl. Yes, of course, I will talk to Mia. I will do whatever I can to protect her and Molly, and I will tell you if she ever confides in me something that you need to know." He said, "Thank you"  I said, "I feel horrible, that girl is a rape victim at 14, her innocence gone, and life never the same, and it didn't happen to me, because of Dennis, so why do I have these flashbacks" Tom said "because it almost happened to you, because you were still assaulted, your dress ripped off of you, Rob kissing you, you had no way of knowing you'd be saved. It's ok to be a victim Maddie you are one."

I said, 'not like it could have been if Dennis didn't" He said, "yes, I'm so grateful to him."

Tom said, "my dad and I had a deep conversation, he said some things that I need to talk to you about."  I said, "Ok, what did he say"  

Just then Emma opened the door.  He said, "I'll tell you later."  

Emma got in the backseat.  She said, "I'm so sorry Tom, for how Rex treated you."  Tom said, "it's ok" She said, "no it's not, I feel bad. I mean you came because Madison asked you to, and then you get ambushed."

Tom said, "Emma I own everything I've done, all he said is true ok, I've hurt girls, I've used them, you and Maddie have no reason to trust me or believe me."  I said, "Tom stop. I told you; you are not defined by your past."  Emma said, "I told him that you treat Madison good, and that I would not go out with him again if he couldn't respect your relationship. He doesn't have to like you, nor be around you, but he needs to respect your relationship, and not cause problems. He agreed"