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Tom and I had a few more days of school, then we were off for 2 weeks for our Christmas vacation. I was so excited for Christmas.  Wednesday was my work party, and Thursday was the police station party.  I was excited for both. Tom's mom had taken me to the mall Sunday, and we picked out dresses to wear for the police station party.    I had such a good time at both parties. I was sad when they were over. Tom asked me if I was ok, and I told him that I was just sad that the parties were over, I'm so happy and I've never had a real Christmas, and I just feel like in my life, I've never been able to stay happy. I feel like it will happen again. He told me I deserved to be happy. Not worry.

We had taken Molly to see Santa Claus and she had also written him.  She whispered in his ear what she wanted.  I said, "Tom, that it's kind of hard, how will your parents know what she told Santa, I asked her, and she told me that she can't tell me. " He laughed. He said, "I know, they have their ways. Do you want me to tell you" He smiled.  I said, "yes" He said, 'They read her letters before mom mails it" I said, "But she sealed it up tight, and taped it, she said no one could read it" Tom laughed.  He said,"i know, they get it, open it, and read it, then tape it back up."  I laughed.  I said, "Sneaky" He said, "yes" I said, "She is so cute Tommy." 

Molly had wanted me and Tommy to go sit on Santa's lap. Tom tried to talk her out of it, but she was going to pout and cry, so I told him we'd do it.  He told the Santa that he didn't want him trying anything with his girlfriend. He'd be watching.  Santa laughed.  Mia and Emma took pictures, and then Tom, and I posted them.  Tom said, "What I won't do for this beautiful girlfriend of mine" I laughed. I said, "Ha, ha boyfriend, it was your baby sister, who made us do this."   Tom took us for a ride, me, Molly, Mia to see all the lights, and then took us for some hot chocolate at a downtown stand.

Christmas was on Thursday this year.  On Monday Tom and I went to run at the track. On the way, I told Tom that I needed Christmas to hurry up and get here, because I can hardly wait until we give your mom and dad their gift.  He told me that he felt the same, that this year, he knew they were going to be so shocked. Because every year they get the same gift cologne and perfume. 

Tom said, "I am also excited to give my girlfriend her gift."  He smiled.  I said, 'Tommy, you gave me your gift, Dallas trip" He laughed.  He said, "I know but I got you something else."  He smiled.  I said, "you didn't need to. Your friendship is enough" I said, "I can't wait to get you your other gifts."  Tom said, "Gifts huh. Maddie" I laughed.  I said, "Tom, I couldn't help it" He laughed.

We were walking around the track drinking our water.  I said "Tom, tonight I am going with Emma, to exchange gifts, and we are going to eat at Olive Garden" Tom said, "that's good. You want my car."  I said, "if you don't mind" He smiled.  He said, "you can drive it."  Emma and I had a great night.  Eating, talking, laughing, just hanging out. We ate so much, we got so full. She loved her gift, and I loved mine.

It was Tuesday, and Tom's mom and dad went to a party for her work. We babysat Molly

Wednesday was Christmas Eve.   Tuesday night, Tom was in bed, he said, "i hope you don't mind my mom has Christmas Eve traditions."  I said, "Tommy of course I don't mind, are you kidding me" He laughed.  I touched his arm.  He said, "i thought that you would probably be upset about it, I mean since you are such a grinch."  I smiled.  I said, "Excuse me" He said, "I mean I've never seen anyone be in such a bad mood at Christmas, dreading it" I laughed. So did he.  I grabbed his arm.  He laughed.  He said, "Actually you are like bouncing off the walls."  We laughed.  I said, "I am excited. Tell me what are her traditions"

Tom said, "well first you girls are going to make a bunch of cookies, and candies, like peanut clusters, sugar cookies, brownies. Then we will have Chinese food for dinner, and then have the candies and hot cocoa and watch movie, and then we go to the 8 pm Christmas Eve service, and then we come home, and we have to have matching jammies, and we have to take a family picture."  I said, "Tommy, oh my God that sounds wonderful" Tom laughed.