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Tom's point of view

Tom storms out, opens his door to his Mustang, and slams his hands down on the steering wheel.

What the hell just happened he growls. How could you totally mess this up. I come here to ask her if she will go to lunch so I can ask her to be my fake girlfriend. And I get her name wrong, upset her, make her cry, make myself hurt by seeing her cry. And what the hell was that feeling. I mean I don't even know this girl, why would I feel this crappy seeing her cry.

Now my mom is mad. My mom just had to come in today of all days, right at the time, that I just made Madison totally cry. Tears streaming down her cheeks, her eyes are all red. I mean real tears. Real freaking tears.

Of course, Mia had to open her mouth, I didn't even know Mia knew what happened with me and Tara. Eavesdropping again, that little sneak.

Just what I need, my mom, and my sister, discussing my sex life, and the fact that my girlfriend f___ed my best friend, all with an audience. I mean bad enough Madison heard it. I'm surprised she didn't know already. But no, they have to discuss it with other customers in there, the vet staff. God, before long the whole town is going to know what happened.

I should have never listened to Mike.

He called Mike.  

Mike said, 'hey Hanson you got that fake girlfriend yet" 

Tom growled on the phone. "Shut up I should have never listened to you. In fact, I'm never taking your advice again"

 Mike said, "What happened. Don't tell me she said no Does she have a boyfriend?"  

Tom said, "I wish she had. I mean I could have handled that, but this was total humiliation." 

 Mike said, "ok slow down Hanson tell me what happened."

Tom said, 'I don't even know where to start, it was all horrible."

Mike said, 'Start from the beginning" 

Tom said, "The beginning, oh you mean where I totally F___ed up and called her by the wrong name" 

Mike said, ' what, you called Mallory something else, please don't say you called her Tara"

Tom growled. "no, her name is not Mallory. It's Madison.  Madison Brady. I got Brady right. But I got her first name wrong. Why the hell would she not have corrected me the other day. When I saw her, I said you're Mallory right and she nodded. I mean who does that, let's someone call them by the wrong name, and not say hey that is not my name. She just freaking nods.  No wonder she started crying."

Mike said, "What she started crying because you got her name wrong" 

Tom said, "no she said it was ok that I got her name wrong, that she was surprised I even knew who she was. But then when I asked her to go to lunch with me after she gets off, she got all upset, and started crying, and man that hurt."

Mike said, "ok what hurt" 

Tom said, "Seeing her cry. I mean this isn't like Tara and her fake tears, manipulating me into buying her stuff, because I said some small little thing that upset her, no these were real freaking tears. I mean you could see them. Streaming down her cheeks, her eyes all red, and I'm powerless I feel helpless, I can't breathe, I get this sick feeling in my stomach, and my chest hurts."

Mike said, 'Why are you sore from practice" 

Tom said, "no seeing her cry. It just I don't know I've never seen a girl cry like that. I mean even Mia doesn't cry like that. I mean Mia has cried before, but damn not like that"